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Posts: 1 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Jul 2016
Hi... I have recently got a Nokia N900, I had one a few years back and I love everything about it... The way it looks, the qwerty keyboard, the apps.. All of it! Only problem now is, nothing works on it. I only really want it for texts, calls, email, FB messenger and Whatsapp.

Calls and texts worked fine from day 1.

Emails- my Gmail account wouldn't connect. After reading up online I have discovered CSSU and have downloaded this, now much to my delight my email is working fine. I have set up the account as an IMAP4 account and I can send and receive emails to my phone! Perfect.

Facebook - The facebook widget didn't work, nor did trying to connect via IM both would give me a message along the lines of wrong password/username, although I know it's not. After CSSU download still no luck.

Whatsapp - Haven't even attempted yet.

Also, am now struggling to download any apps through HAM?!

Can anyone help me please!?! In simple speak haha

peterleinchen's Avatar
Posts: 4,118 | Thanked: 8,901 times | Joined on Aug 2010 @ Ruhrgebiet, Germany
What kind of help?
Everything is here

You found on your own about modest (e-mail).
afaik there is no fazebook available anymore (neither on N900 nor on N9)

WhatsUp is dead (see Yappari thread)

apps through HAM: please search for mirrors and disable old deprecated Nokia repos in HAM. AND visit ...
SIM-Switcher, automated SIM switching with a Double (Dual) SIM adapter
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