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2007He2007.36-2 MMC 2006OS flash/MMC 2G

Ever since I have the 770, about 70days, I got that message once and do not recall how it disappeared and what happened afterwards. I upgraded to the new 2007He for 8days on the internal flash and it still works, and works great. I cloned the 2007He into my MMC using Milhouse's simple way, the ./ 0-4,, and the 770 worked great for awhile. I installed/tested more apps as the MMC boot increased my memory for app install from a mere 16 MB to 279.6 MB, I installed and installed and drived the int mem down to 171 MB and wrote a review "2007He second look" and fell to sleep with WIFI on....., (yes, I slept with my WIFI ) and waked up in the morning, when browsed the web, to see "Internal error, *&^%$#@app now close."

First, I sit down, and then I cried, and then I wiped my tears away, and then I searched the forum. BTW, everything worked, only the browser is broken, well, minimo hanged too.

From, the forum search, this error message is basically an error that something went wrong, very non specific. It happened, to name a few, my initial cloning process, canola installation, opera browser operation (the major occurence and N800 too, ). The fixing usually is to remove the cache of some operation if you remember. If not, you are hosted. Questions to the old timers/seniors/guru, how do one generally go around with this problem. Is there any debug or trace about for that dragful, absolutely nonsense, error statement?

I think I saw posts complainted, mainly from the N800, that this error pob up more often after the new upgrade, I do not recall seeing much from the 2007He/MMC users. Tell me I am wrong, or one, they dont cry, two, they kept quiet, sh.....Come on, if it happened to you, post it, lets see how often this happens. For myself, the 2007He flash does not seem to give that problem and it has been going on for 8 days, continue to rock.

I did fix it, in the usual way, re-clone my MMC and it is beautifully working again, I keep my fingers crossed this time, literally, and would be hessitate to install/test unwanted apps.


Last edited by bunanson; 2007-09-16 at 15:47.

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