I would like to compile a library and make an optified maemo debian package.
So I used the --prefix=/opt
But I guess I also need to change the ld.so.conf to avoid making symlinks and that still the library can be found.
How could I add a new path to ld.so.conf with a postinst script and how could I remove the path with a postrm script?
Please point me to the right direction or explain me the best way to optify a library package.
In the past I uploaded a library to the autobuilder and I remember to optify it with symlinks. But I have the feeling that this is not the cleanest way.
So I used the --prefix=/opt
But I guess I also need to change the ld.so.conf to avoid making symlinks and that still the library can be found.
How could I add a new path to ld.so.conf with a postinst script and how could I remove the path with a postrm script?
Please point me to the right direction or explain me the best way to optify a library package.
In the past I uploaded a library to the autobuilder and I remember to optify it with symlinks. But I have the feeling that this is not the cleanest way.
N900: gpxsee, fahrplan, gpscon, genwall, qrcode, hextool, libjansson4, libevent-2.0-5, cnee, psi-plus, mihphoto, shc
Maemo flasher/rescue live image.
Fremantle Harmattan SDK VM
Last edited by Halftux; 2017-01-14 at 11:20.