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Posts: 71 | Thanked: 621 times | Joined on Sep 2010 @ UK
Hello all three of you

Is there a Native MP3 player available for the Tablet running

I have about 20-30 GB of tunes all mp3, that I would like to be able to play whilst on holiday.

I usually play by Album

I have flowplayer on my phone


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velox's Avatar
Posts: 394 | Thanked: 1,341 times | Joined on Dec 2009
Haha, we're literally DOZENS.

Most of the times when I carry audio around, it's for audio books, for which I use Talefish (see my signature), but that's really not the right thing for lots of music.
For music I mostly use the stock media player by jolla, but mostly limited to a few albums at a time – doesn't it handle large collections well?
I've also used Unplayer in the past (it has a tablet build), which worked well enough for my limited needs, if I remember correctly.
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Posts: 71 | Thanked: 621 times | Joined on Sep 2010 @ UK
Thanks Velox - I will check out Unplayer - It installs which is always a good start

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KotCzarny's Avatar
Posts: 290 | Thanked: 738 times | Joined on Mar 2008 @ .pl
if any of you want to check out oscp, please join irc and ping me
oscp - media player with network remote and almost no dependencies (pc/lin/win/maemo(n8x0/n900), x86/x64/armel/armhf) - - if you like it, tell others.
contact with me: #osc or #maemo on freenode/ircnet or /query KotCzarny

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Posts: 6,436 | Thanked: 12,701 times | Joined on Nov 2011 @ Ängelholm, Sweden
Every music player on Sailfish OS supports MP3
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