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I'm using Męp almost every day on my N900 and I didn't see any proposition of porting it to Sailfish, so I'm trying. First thanks a lot to the developer and contributors of this program, I love it.

So, I've separated the logic of map drawing of the GTK widgetry. I've switched from GdkPixbuf to Cairo for the tile handling. And I've made a QQuickItem that can display the cairo surface.

I've tried to keep as much as possible the source compatible to compile for Maemo or Sailfish, but it's currently a work in progress and I've broken several Maemo parts that I need to correct. At the moment, the following is working:
- see the map ;
- move the map with the mouse ;
- scale, coordinates, zoom osd and source osd are displayed and work;
- load and save position and other settings to gconf.
Things that are currently broken :
- the jpeg sources (Google, virtual earth) ;
- the wikipedia and geoname searching ;
- GPS handling ;
- tracks handling.

I'm working on the broken parts, but I wanted to publish what has been done if someone is interested to give a look.

What to do to test :
- have the Sailfish SDK (!);
- ssh to the SDK virtual machine ssh -p 2222 -i ~/SailfishOS/vmshare/ssh/private_keys/engine/mersdk mersdk@localhost
- install missing packages (sudo zypper in glib2-devel cairo-devel libsoup-devel gconf-devl qt5-qmake)
- untar the sources and create a tmp directory
- in the tmp dir run qmake ../src/
- issue make
- from the desktop copy maep-qt and main.qml to the emulator virtual machine and connect there
- sudo copy maep-qt to /usr/bin
- sudo mkdir /usr/share/applications/maep-qt
- sudo cp main.qml /usr/share/maep-qt
- sudo chmod -R a+rX /usr/share/maep-qt
- sudo vim /usr/share/applications/maep.desktop and copy this into:
[Desktop Entry]
Exec=invoker --type=e /usr/bin/maep-qt
Comment=Map browser with GPS capabilities
- sudo chmod a+r /usr/share/applications/maep.desktop
- click on the icon !

If QT5 is properly installed on your desktop machine, it's possible to run it directly there. Compile it in a tmp dir and run it directly from there ./maep-qt -desktop.
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Nice work! Would be great if you could push the source to a Git repository. You can e.g. post it to (let me know your github username, and I'll set up a repo in sailfishapps for you or just send me the URL of your Github repo of the app, and I'll fork it into sailfishapps and give you push permissions).

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Thank's for the proposition. Currently, I've written to the authors of Męp to know if they want to include the modifications I've made for it to work on Sailfish in addition to Maemo (well currently I've broken many things on Maemo so that's for a bit later but anyway).

I don't want to generate separate repositories for hosting Męp sources. If they are interested and my modifications finally land there, maybe you can mirror their repository in sailfishapps. If they are not interested, I'll create an account and push my modifications in sailfishapps.

Once again, thanks a lot for the support, I'll give info when I get some.

The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to dcaliste For This Useful Post:
Posts: 62 | Thanked: 319 times | Joined on Jan 2013 @ Grenoble, France
I've continued to work on Męp for Sailfish, adding QML interface to the geonames search and wiki info, as implemented before for Maemo.

I join a screenshot showing these features.

When clicking on a balloon, a second page appears loading the wikipedia page with the QML WebView of Webkit. I don't know if it's better or not to keep the Maemo behaviour having a summary only in Męp and a "open in browser" button.

One can see a display bug in the screenshot, the crosshair at map centre being above the balloon "Grenoble". I need to correct this.

I choose to always display the search text entry since I need place on top anyway for the header and the pulley menu. Currently, the pulley menu contains the wikipedia checkitem.

Next step, the GPS… and then tracks and about dialog.

The Maemo and Sailfish version currently use different source code for geonames and wiki, I need to unify this again.

The author of Męp, Till Harbaum, kindly agrees for me to do this work for Sailfish. I'll ask him a branch on the SVN account of Męp if he thinks it's better like that.
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File Type: gz maep-qt.tar.gz (264.7 KB, 166 views)

The Following 8 Users Say Thank You to dcaliste For This Useful Post:
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Why not just clone it and push it to github instead of SV? IF author allow it ofcourse?
Keep safe and healthy
Posts: 62 | Thanked: 319 times | Joined on Jan 2013 @ Grenoble, France
I will ask him to do this so people can test more easily. but in two or three weeks I guess, because I'm going to be off for work reasons for a while.

I also notice that the QML file I've sent is not the one from the virtual machine with which I made the screen shot. Sorry, I'll try to post the correct one if I can in the coming days.

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Posts: 62 | Thanked: 319 times | Joined on Jan 2013 @ Grenoble, France
Here are three screenshots of the last developments:
- use of a Drawer instead of self-made list to display search results ;
- implementation of Nominatim search in addition to existing Geonames search (allow exact address search from OSM if available) ;
- port from Maemo of the display page for a selected place.

Not shown on screenshots :
- Gps position handling (not tested, need a device), it should work ;
- Track support (display current track), track saving and loading is not ported because of lack of file chooser support in Sailfish at the moment ;
- screen rotation support.
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The Following 9 Users Say Thank You to dcaliste For This Useful Post:
Posts: 62 | Thanked: 319 times | Joined on Jan 2013 @ Grenoble, France
You can branch the sources with bzr or git at:
bzr branch lp:~damien-caliste/+junk/maep-qt
git clone

I'm working on the packaging now to deploy on Sailfish easily before finishing to port missing functionalities from Maemo to Sailfish.

The Following User Says Thank You to dcaliste For This Useful Post:
Posts: 62 | Thanked: 319 times | Joined on Jan 2013 @ Grenoble, France
Rpm packaging is Ok. One can try the rpm in the emulator by downloading:

Then, install it with:
sudo rpm -i maep-qt-1.3.7-2.i586.rpm

Dependencies are required, use "sudo zypper wp file" to know in which package to find "file", then "sudo zypper in package" to install the dependency.

The Following User Says Thank You to dcaliste For This Useful Post:
Posts: 62 | Thanked: 319 times | Joined on Jan 2013 @ Grenoble, France
Here are some new packages for Męp, with the following improvements:
- JPG (google and virtual earth sattelite) tiles are back ;
- filechooser for Import / export of tracks ;
- about window ;
- thanks to Thomas Perl, some corrections on packaging ;
- bug of pull down menu below the map corrected ;
- bug of map resize on device rotated (maybe) fixed.

Find a i586 package for the emulator at :
Or an ARM package for the device itself at :

Keep track of the developments at :

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