and it doesnt seem to work.
When I run the .exe, it seems to think its a script, and just displays junk on the screen.
When I run mono I get
Nokia770-22:/george/mono-nokia# ./mono
-sh: ./mono: not found
mono IS chmod'ed to be executable.
Im assuming this is because im running 2006 OS (I never tried it on 2005)
I want to run mono on my 770 (as I program c# for a living, and hate c++).
Im running 2006 beta, and have tried the tarball at
and it doesnt seem to work.
When I run the .exe, it seems to think its a script, and just displays junk on the screen.
When I run mono I get
Nokia770-22:/george/mono-nokia# ./mono
-sh: ./mono: not found
mono IS chmod'ed to be executable.
Im assuming this is because im running 2006 OS (I never tried it on 2005)
any ideas?