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I got a N810 with Diablo and Garnet VM. Since the Garnet VM didn't really have the apps I need, namely Note Pad and Calendar, I copied them from my T3 to a SD card. From there, I installed them into the GVM. Calendar worked instantly without problems. But with Note Pad, my notes could not be read. Every time I click on a note, it would say it cannot be read. I verified that I can create new notes and delete it, I just cannot see my old notes. Anyone ever experienced something like this?

My HotSync isn't working right now, so I haven't tried syncing to see if that will work. Also, anyone know how I can overwrite the GVM version of memo so I can use my T3 version of memo?

Ok, one more question, aside from Hot Syncing, how can I get my .pdb files out of GVM? Is it stored somewhere that is accessible?
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Originally Posted by boosted View Post
I got a N810 with Diablo and Garnet VM. Since the Garnet VM didn't really have the apps I need, namely Note Pad and Calendar, I copied them from my T3 to a SD card. From there, I installed them into the GVM. Calendar worked instantly without problems. But with Note Pad, my notes could not be read. Every time I click on a note, it would say it cannot be read. I verified that I can create new notes and delete it, I just cannot see my old notes. Anyone ever experienced something like this?

My HotSync isn't working right now, so I haven't tried syncing to see if that will work. Also, anyone know how I can overwrite the GVM version of memo so I can use my T3 version of memo?

Ok, one more question, aside from Hot Syncing, how can I get my .pdb files out of GVM? Is it stored somewhere that is accessible?
To get your T3 memos read - have you tried to configure the Notepad app to a T3 instead of default? To do this just open GVM, tap on Memopad and then tap Configure to adjust Device type.

As for how to grab .pdb files, I've been using Resco Explorer from my old TX days to get the files copied from my TX to an SD card. I don't think Filez will do this but I could be wrong. I don't hotsync now and didn't even hotsync when I used my TX daily.
When you wish upon a star, your dreams really can come true... Unless it's an asteroid hurtling towards earth that will destroy all life.
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Originally Posted by PinCushionQueen View Post
To get your T3 memos read - have you tried to configure the Notepad app to a T3 instead of default? To do this just open GVM, tap on Memopad and then tap Configure to adjust Device type.

As for how to grab .pdb files, I've been using Resco Explorer from my old TX days to get the files copied from my TX to an SD card. I don't think Filez will do this but I could be wrong. I don't hotsync now and didn't even hotsync when I used my TX daily.
I had tried configuring the device type, and it never seems to do anything. I can't see any changes in the app when I cycled through the models and "display compatibility". Either way, my old notes still would not load. The same ol' "Could not open note" message. I also tried giving it 4mb of heap memory instead of 2mb, since one of the reason it gave when I clicked on the "i" was low memory, but it didn't help.

As for resco, are you sure you're able to copy your files out of the Garnet VM? Or are you talking about the actual Palm device? I am able to copy anything out of my T3 using Filez, but the Garnet VM does not see the SD card on the N810. So there's no way that I know of to copy it straight out without using HotSync. Maybe you did something different?
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Isn't Resco Explorer including an ftp client? If so, that's a way of getting files out of the system. (I've tried ezftp myself, the problem with that one is that it can't log in to my pw-protected ftp account, so I haven't managed this feat myself. But it should work in principle.)
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Originally Posted by boosted View Post
I had tried configuring the device type, and it never seems to do anything. I can't see any changes in the app when I cycled through the models and "display compatibility". Either way, my old notes still would not load. The same ol' "Could not open note" message. I also tried giving it 4mb of heap memory instead of 2mb, since one of the reason it gave when I clicked on the "i" was low memory, but it didn't help.

As for resco, are you sure you're able to copy your files out of the Garnet VM? Or are you talking about the actual Palm device? I am able to copy anything out of my T3 using Filez, but the Garnet VM does not see the SD card on the N810. So there's no way that I know of to copy it straight out without using HotSync. Maybe you did something different?
I use Resco Explorer to get the .pdb files out of my actual Palm device (TX) and on to a SD card. You can use the Install button in GVM (Hildon Window) to install the .pdb files. GVM "Install" (Hildon Window) will recognize the SD card, only once the actual virtual machine has been launched does the ability to see your SD card go away.

This is the same way I've installed all of my Palm apps on my N810. Have you hotsync'd to install your apps?
When you wish upon a star, your dreams really can come true... Unless it's an asteroid hurtling towards earth that will destroy all life.
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Originally Posted by TA-t3 View Post
Isn't Resco Explorer including an ftp client? If so, that's a way of getting files out of the system. (I've tried ezftp myself, the problem with that one is that it can't log in to my pw-protected ftp account, so I haven't managed this feat myself. But it should work in principle.)
I didn't know resco explorer have an FTP client, I might have an older version or just didn't know about ti. Will check again, thanks for that tip.
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Originally Posted by PinCushionQueen View Post
I use Resco Explorer to get the .pdb files out of my actual Palm device (TX) and on to a SD card. You can use the Install button in GVM (Hildon Window) to install the .pdb files. GVM "Install" (Hildon Window) will recognize the SD card, only once the actual virtual machine has been launched does the ability to see your SD card go away.

This is the same way I've installed all of my Palm apps on my N810. Have you hotsync'd to install your apps?
That's the same way I did to get my apps to install to my GVM. Copy out of my T3 to SD, install into GVM. But what I wanted to do is once I start using GVM version of notes, memo etc, I want to copy the .pdb file back out of GVM.

I haven't gotten my HotSync to work yet.
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Originally Posted by boosted View Post
I didn't know resco explorer have an FTP client, I might have an older version or just didn't know about ti. Will check again, thanks for that tip.
Please note that I don't use resco explorer myself, so I don't know for sure. But I remember someone at some point mentioning another ftp client, which wasn't ezftp (which I've already tried) and I thought that might have been resco - I may be wrong though. But there's supposed to be a GVM-working ftp client out there, so if it wasn't resco explorer then there's still hope. (BTW it may be that ezftp can be used if you could use an anonymous ftp server, which I haven't tried.)
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I did a quick search, and migs mentioed resco 3.22 has ftp function. I have v2.5 But there's hope, I'll download the trial and check it out.
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FWIW, Notepad isn't the same as Memos. Notepad isn't in GVM. I haven't tried to install it there, because I never use it, but some may want it. I can't say how to get it to read old notes, but I suspect they may have to be from the older version, before the TX, since everything else is.

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