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website is at
pretty darn entertaining game with the most minimalistic graphics, like 1bit LOL.

so yeah someone should give a try at putting it on n900.

ive installed this game on my ubuntu 10.10 and the main thing you gotta know is that the game needs JAVA to run.
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Micecraft isn't open source, so I doubt anyone will be porting it to native code for the N900 or any other platform. Try it with one of the Java solutions in that wiki article and report back

Last edited by Lum; 2010-10-24 at 23:31.
Posts: 102 | Thanked: 7 times | Joined on Jan 2010
i got the icedtea6 installed on my phone now and also took the java archive file from my ubuntu computer.

how would i use icedtea to open the file?
icedtea is not listed on programs you can use to run the file.
is there a command line for it?
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anybody here knows the command line i need to put in xterm to open minecraft jar file with icedtea java runtime?
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um... "java -jar minecraft.jar" ?
Posts: 102 | Thanked: 7 times | Joined on Jan 2010
typed in

sudo gainroot
java -jar MineCraftSP.jar

reponse is: Unable to access jarfile MineCraftSP.jar
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First off, don't do it as root.

Never do anything as root unless you know 100% it has to be done as root, or you tried it as a normal user and it failed. Countless people have reported problems here caused by running a program as root and then not being able to run it or edit the config files as normal users.

Beyond that: Are you in the same director as the .jar file when you do that? Did you try typing the full path to the MineCraftSP.jar file?

If not, then either type "java -jar [full filepath to the file]/MineCraftSP.jar", or cd to the directory it's in and try again.

You could probably also ls -l the .jar file to see if the permissions and ownership is sent right. Beyond that, I don't know, because icedtea6 and java aren't my specialties.
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Looks like you're going to need OpenGLES, which hasn't been ported to the N900.
Posts: 102 | Thanked: 7 times | Joined on Jan 2010

this is as far ive gone
next is a blank screen, looks like we do need the opengl

Last edited by bulelet; 2010-10-25 at 02:20.
Posts: 557 | Thanked: 370 times | Joined on Apr 2010
Originally Posted by Zibeb View Post

Looks like you're going to need OpenGLES, which hasn't been ported to the N900.
Pretty sure you got that backwards there bud.

Either way this has been discussed multiple times before. Minecraft is dependant on OpenGL (N900 doesn't have) libraries that haven't *yet* been adapted to work with OpenGLES (N900 has).

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