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What is Nepali Calendar?
Nepali Calendar aka nepcal is a simple application to display Bikram Samabat Calendar. Bikram Sambat is a calendar system just like AD in English. Bikram Sambat is still in actual use in Nepal while the official calendar system of Nepal has already been changed to Nepal Sambat. There were few insances where I disperately needed Nepali Date but I have no choice but to use slow gprs of Nepal Telecom. There was a j2me app for to display Nepali Calendar but it didn't even loaded in microemulator inside n900. So I was left with no choice but to develop my own calendar application. Thanks for reading, most probably this app won't be of any use for people other than Nepalese.
Version History:
**nepcal 0.01
* Initial release
* Displays today's date in a simple label widget
* Never released for public
**nepcal 0.0.2
* Added feature: Displays calendar form in table
* Added feature: Can browse through months and years
* Displays today's date in small label aside
**nepcal 0.0.3
* Added feature: Goto Today in Menu
* Added feature: Show / Hide English Date and Days of previous and next month
* Added feature: Highlight today and same day of other months
* Added: About and About QT
* Added feature: Showing current Nepali and English month being displayed at top
* User data file if kept in the same folder as nepcal executables, is read but it still needs modifications since all data are not readed from datafile
* Trim text is used and probably there won't be any error because of the whitespaces in datafile
* Change: Redesigned UI
* Bugfix: Some months were skipped while browsing through months
(What can be expected in next version if I continue the project again)
* Full data file format so that user can use their own data file in case default one comes to be erroreneous
* Separate Config file to store preferences
* Upper limit of database is not yet checked and hence there is unusual behaviour if user is browsing above the available data limit (anybody can help me: Is there a way to read the number of lines directly after reading a fie with QStreamText things? How to resize an array of integers?)
* Resizing the array storing the days in month record for upper limit check and hence to avoid unusual behaviour
* date converter is not yet there(probably goto some English date will be there in next version, again anybody can help me: how to add or create some user input form for inputing English date as in About like windows)
**TODO LIST(UNIMPORTANT) (I have no idea how those things can be done or those features are not much required)
* Showing English dates in subscript (anybody: how to create table item with normal and subscript text in same item)
* Easy navigation for months and years using checkbox or whatever (Lets see if I could make it)
* Disable column resize (there is a disable resize thing in the property window of the table but it doesn't seems to do the job)
* Happy new year wish message if user run the application in Nepali or English new year day (I thought I would keep this secret, should be easy to do)
* user defined background color of various cells-impossible(whatever color I set in table item, it appears same in mobile though different in pc version)
* Cute Interface and portrait mode support (Seems like I am bad in coding and too bad in UI design)
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@jaeezzy just wondering if you are Nepali (I can see Australia as your location). Just a quick note I have kept data of only three year for now (probably upto 2069). Will add data of few decade later, maybe in next version.
Nepali Calendar (nepcal) is a simple application to display Bikram Samabat calendar system. Bikram Sambat is a calendar system followed in Nepal just like AD in USA, Europe and many other countries. Nepal Sambat has been declared as official Nepali Calendar system while Bikram Sambat is still in actual use.
* Nepali month view,
* Easy navigation between months and years straight from main view using Previous Month ( < Month), Next Month (Month >), Previous Year (< Year), Next year (Year >),
* Displayed Month, Year as well as current date are displayed right in the main view,
* Goto month corresponding to today,
* Option to choose if only days of current month is to be displayed or days of current as well as neighboring months are to be displayed,
* Option to show or hide English date,
* Option to goto certain English or Nepali date,
* Option to convert Nepali date to English and vice versa,
* Option to choose Nepali Interface (Restarting program required for complete language switch),
* Persistant storage of preferences (unlike in previous versions),
* Experimental portrait view: if program loads at forced rotation on in cssu then it will fit portrait mode else it will fit in landscape but in either case it won't look nice in other mode,
* No English month view
* Available data is from 2064 to 2075 (you can add data yourself see /home/user/.NepaliCalendar/nepCal.dta file to add more data, if anybody is interested then do help me compiling more data),
* No auto rotation of the program,
* Tithis are out of my knowledge so no tithis in the calendar
There were few insances where I disperately needed Nepali Date but I have no choice but to use slow gprs of Nepal Telecom. There was a j2me app to display Nepali Calendar but it didn't even loaded in microemulator inside n900. I even tried to tweak multi-date-cal widget based on python without success. So I was left with no choice but to develop my own calendar application. Thanks for reading, most probably this app won't be of much use for people other than Nepalese although if calendar system in your country is also different then you can modify the data and use it for your own calendar system.
Version History:
**nepcal 0.0.1
* Initial release,
* Displays today's date in a simple label widget,
* Never released for public
**nepcal 0.0.2
* Added feature: Displays calendar form in table,
* Added feature: Can browse through months and years,
* Displays today's date in small label aside
**nepcal 0.0.3
* Added feature: Goto Today in Menu,
* Added feature: Show / Hide English Date and Days of previous and next month,
* Added feature: Highlight today and same day of other months,
* Added: About and About QT,
* Added feature: Showing current Nepali and English month being displayed at top,
* User data file if kept in the same folder as nepcal executables, is read but it still needs modifications since all data are not readed from datafile,
* Trim text is used and probably there won't be any error because of the whitespaces in datafile,
* Change: Redesigned UI,
* Bugfix: Some months were skipped while browsing through months
**nepcal 0.1.0
* First major release
* Almost complete rewrite of the program,
* Added data limit check for upper range,
* Full data file format so that user can use their own data file in case default one comes to be erroreneous (file nepCal.dta should be kept in /home/usr/.NepaliCalendar/),
* Settings are now saved and hence is persistant,
* Added Nepali Interface option,
* Added date convertor from Nepali to English and vice versa,
* Added goto Nepali or English Date
* Only today or converted date is highlighted (I thought that would be better choice than same day of all months)
* Debug messages in x-term
* I believe all my important to do list are completed, now only minor unimportant things are left which I am not much interested in or don't know how to do it.
**TODO LIST(UNIMPORTANT) (I have no idea how those things can be done or those features are not much required)
* Shortcuts doesn't work (eg Ctrl+T) in maemo while it works in desktop
* Status menu applet or desktop widget version-somewhat interested but no idea how to do those things
* Display numbers in Nepali as well
* Showing English dates in subscript instead of in bracket-seems impossible to me
* Easy navigation for months and years using checkbox or whatever (Since we already have goto date this seems unnecessary)
* Disable column resize (I have tried it for quite some time without success plus its not quite important)
* Cute Interface and portrait mode support (Seems like I am bad in coding and too bad in UI design)
* English month view as major view and hence Nepali Date in bracket
* Check the data of 2066 BS: days in Falgun and Chaitra are 29 and 31 respectively in my data while Nepali Calendar by Poudel and Poudel (one which shows green widget in win oses) shows those to be 30 and 30. Any reference as well as verification will be appreciated regarding those months. And yes thanks to Ishwori Kandel for providing me those data.
* I think I am done with Nepali Calendar, this version seems to work well as well as feature rich engough. I have GRE to prepare for and I am kind of wasting my precious time developing this application. So don't expect newer versions (sooner or later) except if there are major flaw in the system which I might take a look at and replease minor patched versions. Another reason being this app is useful only to handful of peoples, might release symbian version some day.
* Application needs to be run as root as in other case the application can not save its configuration file.
Latest version 0.1.0 is in devel now. Usual warning applies if you want to try anything from devel.
Last edited by Joseph9560; 2011-05-15 at 06:28.