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Hello everyone. Today I got a brand new N9 from PhoneHouse and I'm wondering what software that are must gets. Already have the dev mode turned on and have N9QT.
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Filebox, Meecast, Cameraplus & Fingerterm must be up there!
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firmware PR 1.3 is latest
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Almost all new releases for MeeGo Harmattan are available in :
Install the Warehouse ( client) :
See this TMO topic.
Python, C/C++, Qt and CAS developer. For Maemo/MeeGo/Sailfish :
Integral, Derivative, Limit - calculating mathematical integrals, derivatives and limits. SymPy - Computer Algebra System.
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Heres my log of tweaks and installs created for troubleshooting battery drain on my n9. This is quite spartan selection, there are more worthy apps in ovi store, if it still exists (i have backuped all debs using n9qtweak, just in case official support ends completely), i also suggest to search for 'powerpack' and 'ubiboot' and 'apkenv' in, ubiboot makes it really easy to create a full system backup, using tar for example.

Beware that few tweaks in n9qtweak, also powerpack and ubiboot could be dangerous if install instructions are not followed correctly, try to get a harmattan flashable image for your model from the net first before starting experimenting.

Heres the thread about how to flash a n9:


+filecase - file manager

+meerun - sports app, track recorder, etc



+sunvox - create music

+rpn9 - rpn calculator


+domee - simple todo app


+gepes - another gps app

+cutesoma - soma radio app

+cutemeter - just basic meter utility

+colormania - color utility

+mtimer - allinone stopwatch/timer

+qcolorlines - a game

+qbubbles - a game


+quasarmxpro - audio player

+mustr - lockscreen wallpaper app

+meewimanpro - wifi utility

+meecell - cell info


+keeppageplugin - remember last opened page for stock Documents app

+josemobile - chess

+heebo - a game

+enavigator - about e's in food

+chimpopzee - a game

+angrybirdsclassic - a game

+barcodecamplus - barcode scanner

+autolock - locks screen by proximity sensor

+devicelock - i think this is some kind of fix for harmattan devicelock in openmode

+firewallpluspro - ban callers

+speakerswitcher - switch automatically to speaker when proximity off

+vibrateme - vibrate when call connection established

+volumeup - make speaker louder

9/9@98 - battery info,  9 days at both normal and powersaving mode at 98%

+txpad - text editor

+batteryup - restart battery monitor service to workaround a bug


qq -skype - starting with a letter code are n9qtweak tweaks i've applied


+clipbookdir - clipboard manager


+myexplorer - nice file manager

+panorama - nokias panorama creator

+warehouse - apps app



+hmtsu - gain root for any app

rootfs-n9-ubiboot-20131123-20131218-20140102-20140404.tgz - these are just my backups

+nsrreader - pdf reader

+mytopsites - remove default bookmarks from stock browser

F disable notifications

+paint - good paint

+anonymousrecorder - audio recorder


+dictarec - audio recorder

N9qrefresh icon


tracker-control -c -r this resets trackers, also deletes any contacts, here to fix bad tracker databases

G google gps

-ovistoreclient - so i removed ovi appstore



Y enlarge alarm ui

W spinner launcher indicator


+fbreader - e book reader



qq -youtube search


+cameraplus - my new main cameraapp


+battery monitor

+phoneassist - call recorder

+unit converter

+fm radio - best fm radio app from ovi store, paid app 


+Fastern9 - performance tweak

+Kernel plus - new kernel used with ubiboot

J hide homescreen icons

Y statusbar clock

Hh unrestricted systemui: tools, widgets, brightness

Hh qmlpowermenu - its in n9qtweak, nice powerbuttonmenu

Hh debinstaller

+Libapplauncherd - fix for store crashing after installing an app on openmode

+Powerpack - tweaks and fixes for harmattan

+exnotes - my main, easy to backup, simple notes app
+profilematic - automate your n9, a must




Last edited by veeall; 2014-10-11 at 22:06.

The Following User Says Thank You to veeall For This Useful Post:
Posts: 111 | Thanked: 63 times | Joined on Nov 2012 @ Kazakhstan
check in my signature what i do when i reinstall my system lot's of tips welcome to n9 !
Posts: 646 | Thanked: 1,124 times | Joined on Jul 2010 @ Espoo, Finland
Originally Posted by veeall View Post
Beware that few tweaks in n9qtweak, also powerpack and ubiboot could be dangerous if install instructions are not followed correctly, try to get a harmattan flashable image for your model from the net first before starting experimenting.
It's feels weird to me to get a phone that has already dev mode enabled. Who knows how it has been set.
I would definitely suggest to 'start from scratch', wipe your device and [learn how to] flash your device properly.

The Following User Says Thank You to minimos For This Useful Post:
Posts: 10 | Thanked: 2 times | Joined on Oct 2014
It has dev mode because I activated it but I thought I had messed something up so I reset my N9. I am on PR 1.3.
Anyone know a way to get battery percentage in the menu bar and not **** it up?
Posts: 646 | Thanked: 1,124 times | Joined on Jul 2010 @ Espoo, Finland
Rather than having it in the tiny menu bar, install Billboard and keep it on the screensaver.
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Posts: 645 | Thanked: 519 times | Joined on Apr 2012 @ Finland
To statusmenu use N9Qtweak
Try:My N9 bootvideo

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