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Posts: 144 | Thanked: 68 times | Joined on Mar 2011 @ a spot
So yesterday I was thinking about OCing using KP v48, but I didn't quite like the fact that my device uses high frequencies when it's idle, i.e. I set my limits to 600 1150, and making the device sit at 600MHz while idle is pointless, so I started tempering with dbus-scripts.

Thanks a tonne ammyt for making this to work, it is really a handy script for me, thanks for joining in and shiteing light on us . karam should look into this patch.

How to and everything: post by ammyt:

Here is what I did:
1. apt-get install dbus-scripts
2. leafpad /etc/dbus-scripts.d/lock
/usr/local/bin/rest * * tklock_mode_ind locked
3. leafpad /etc/dbus-scripts.d/unlock
/usr/local/bin/jump * * tklock_mode_ind unlocked
4. Created corresponding rest and jump files using leafpad:
= /usr/local/bin/rest contained:
kernel-config load starving
kernel-config limits 250 500
= /usr/local/bin/jump contained:
kernel-config load ideal
kernel-config limits 600 1150
5. I chmod +x both rest and jump
6. rebooted, frequency was 250 600 :'( until I sh /etc/dbus-scripts.d/unlock frequencies were as I set 600 1150

I don't think that when I lock the device either the frequencies from the rest config are being set, is there anyway to make this automatic?

Oh and for non-experienced users reading this, what I was trying to do is setting the device at a certain frequency and voltages while locked and higher ones while the device is unlocked. This can save lots of battery and increase performance.

vi_ you're the king of scripts, hope you can shite some light on my situation.

Last edited by GigaByte; 2011-10-04 at 13:11.

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F2thaK's Avatar
Posts: 4,365 | Thanked: 2,467 times | Joined on Jan 2010 @ Australia Mate
shite. lol.

cool, hope you can sort it out, Id like this
Posts: 144 | Thanked: 68 times | Joined on Mar 2011 @ a spot
Originally Posted by F2thaK View Post
shite. lol.

cool, hope you can sort it out, Id like this
Yea, I decided to use shite instead shed if requesting information, let's make it a meme, certainly better than smell you later instead of see you later.
Posts: 144 | Thanked: 68 times | Joined on Mar 2011 @ a spot
Bumpo bumpo
yea i'm bumping this thread...
Posts: 195 | Thanked: 96 times | Joined on May 2011
you can pm karam
he made batterypatch depending on dbus-scripts i think he will help
he is one of the kind that doesn't ignore p messages
F2thaK's Avatar
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Posts: 195 | Thanked: 96 times | Joined on May 2011
it doesn't matter who you Pm
i just suggested karam because he has made a patch using the same method
which was very recently
Posts: 105 | Thanked: 49 times | Joined on Jul 2011
lol PM fight
i say PM both
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you could just download the deb for speedpatch and unpack it and examine the scripts.
Posts: 144 | Thanked: 68 times | Joined on Mar 2011 @ a spot
What is the first impression you have when seeing a PM from a 77 posts poster user?
Fsck him right?

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