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OK so recently I have been suffering the infamous hildon-home memory leak.
After 2 days or so hildon-home starts to pop up and use 50% of resources every minute or so getting worse until you reboot, reinstall hildon-home or killall hildon-home.
Yes, I have read all the threads on here and they all end in mystery as to what the cause was, people reflash all is happy.

Out of interest (or for testing purposes) I have slowly been un-installing applications to find the bug.
Finding the bug the hard way is not working so far after uninstalling seemingly half of my applications in HAM.

Is it possible I am fighting a losing game and actually I could un-install everything and still need to reflash?

This is my stable device and I fairly strictly, install applications from extras only. Or if they have been tested for a few months on my testing device and there important, some from testing etc.

My testing device hasn't got this issue and it has some very unstable devel applications on it.
Also installed are all applications that's currently on my stable device too.
This is why I come to ask the above question.

Here's my "maemo-list-user-packages" output.
I have noticed some of these have been uninstalled but still show in the list they have been highlighted.

100boxes	0.9.0-5	user/games	752
1up	1.1.0-2	user/utilities	148
abook-qrcode	0.4.1	user/office	104
advanced-clock-plugin	0.15.3	user/desktop	744
angrybirds	1.4.2	user/hidden	37300
birthday	0.3-1	user/desktop	88
browser-switchboard	3.3-2fremantle2	user/network	168
callerx	0.1.6	user/utilities	156
celltowerinfo	0.0.2-0maemo2	user/network	164
cl-launcher	0.3-2	user/desktop	160
colorflood	0.6-1	user/games	168
community-ssu-enabler	0.6-7	user/system	108
contact-zoom	0.3-2	user/utilities	72
cooktimer	0.0.2-7	user/utilities	684
copernicium	1.4-2	user/science	264
countdowntimer	0.5-2	user/utilities	164
cpumem-applet	0.0.3	user/utilities	64
crazychickens	0.1-7	user/hidden	916
cssufeatures	2.5-6	user/system	264
custom-operator-name-widget	0.1	user/desktop	100
cutecw	1.0-2	user/education	612
de-lite	1.0.1-1	user/games	268
decoders-support	0.4	user/multimedia	84
demine	0.1.0-fremantle1	user/games	192
epubreader	0.4	user/education	472
espeak	1.46.17	user/multimedia	48
extcalllog	0.6	user/network	180
extended-contacts-search	0.5	user/utilities	68
extkbd	1.0.3	user/system	240
fennec	7.0.1-2	user/network	36160
filebox	0.7-2	user/utilities	2048
flashlight-applet	0.4-5	user/desktop	284
fm-boost	0.2-2fremantle1	user/system	120
fmms	1.3.3	user/network	840
fmradio	2010.03.20	user/multimedia	2172
freecell4maemo	1.0.0-fremantle6	user/games	436
gboggle	1.1.3maemo3-2	user/games	5200
givemefive	0.2.20100104-2	user/games	192
gnumeric	1.10.12-2	user/office	19208
gpsdata	0.4-1	user/navigation	152
gpsjinni	0.6.20100209-2	user/multimedia	320
gtranslate	0.6.1	user/education	344
jspeed	0.1-9	user/navigation	1040
kernel-power-flasher	1:2.6.28-10power50	user/system	240
kernel-power-settings	0.16	user/system	144
leafpad	0.8.17le-0maemo1	user/utilities	944
lens-cover-reminder-sp	0.4	user/desktop	124
libqtm-bearer	1:1.0.2-maemo4+0m5+0cssu1	user/libs	292
libqtm-contacts	1:1.0.2-maemo4+0m5+0cssu1	user/libs	1000
libqtm-location	1:1.0.2-maemo4+0m5+0cssu1	user/libs	248
libqtm-messaging	1:1.0.2-maemo4+0m5+0cssu1	user/libs	840
libqtm-multimedia	1:1.0.2-maemo4+0m5+0cssu1	user/libs	1528
libqtm-publishsubscribe	1:1.0.2-maemo4+0m5+0cssu1	user/libs	236
libqtm-sensors	1:1.0.2-maemo4+0m5+0cssu1	user/libs	328
libqtm-serviceframework	1:1.0.2-maemo4+0m5+0cssu1	user/libs	384
libqtm-systeminfo	1:1.0.2-maemo4+0m5+0cssu1	user/libs	412
libqtm-versit	1:1.0.2-maemo4+0m5+0cssu1	user/libs	456
maesynth	0.1.0-5	user/multimedia	3264
maetronome	0.2.0	user/multimedia	120
mafw-lastfm	0.0.8-1	user/multimedia	200
marble	1.4.0-2	user/navigation	608
marble-maps	1.4.0-2	user/navigation	8188
mbarcode	1.0.3-1	user/utilities	28
mbarcode-plugin-qrcode	0.0.7-5	user/utilities	164
mbarcode-plugin-webrequest	0.1.15-11	user/utilities	156
mbarcode-plugin-wifi	0.1.0-13	user/utilities	76
mbarcode-plugins-all	0.0.2-1	user/utilities	36
mcsp	1.0-6	user/development	44
mirror	2.1-1	user/multimedia	188
mobile-maps-10	8.1.1	user/navigation	4564
monav-routing-daemon	0.3.release-1	user/navigation	276
movie-schedule	0.3.0-3	user/network	504
mp-fremantle-community-pr	21.2011.38-1Smaemo4.1	user/system	12
mspede	1.1.0-0	user/games	496
mussorgsky	0.5.2-3	user/multimedia	292
n900-fmrx-enabler	1.5-4+0m5	user/libs	92
netmon	0.6-1	user/utilities	160
neverputt	1.5.5-3	user/games	224
offscr-anglemeter	1.0.1	user/hidden	972
offscr-backgammon	1.0.2	user/hidden	1660
offscr-banner	1.0.1	user/hidden	856
offscr-discs	1.1.1	user/multimedia	1120
offscr-level	1.0.2	user/hidden	784
offscr-resistors	1.0.1	user/hidden	924
offscr-solitaire	1.1.3	user/hidden	1048
ogg-support	1.1.1	user/multimedia	120
omweather	0.28.13	user/desktop	4108
omweather-weather-com-stations-db	1.0.6	user/desktop	3524
openmediaplayer	20120912-1	user/multimedia	2040
openssh-client	1:5.1p1-6.maemo5	user/network	1192
openssh-server	1:5.1p1-6.maemo5	user/network	456
opera-mobile	11.5beta1-14~fremantle0	user/network	15008
papertoss	1.0.0-4	user/games	612
per-contact-ringtones	1.0.3-0	user/system	296
petrovich	0.2	user/system	76
pierogi	1.1.5	user/utilities	1420
powatool	0.1	user/utilities	88
powerphone	1.1.0	user/games	243
powertop	1.2	user/development	84
presencevnc	0.8	user/network	392
proximityd	0.2.2	user/system	88
psswitcher	0.2-3	user/system	152
pyobd	0.9.2-22	user/utilities	588
pyrecipe	0.5.1-3	user/utilities	492
qcpufreq	0.4.1-1	user/system	308
qlister	0.2-7	user/utilities	92
qmltube	1.1.1	user/multimedia	4900
qnitconverter	0.4-2	user/utilities	148
qthello	1.2-1	user/games	656
qtquickcompat	0.1.0+0cssu1	user/development	8
queen-beecon	1.3.3	user/desktop	564
reactionfaceoff	0.0.1-3	user/games	9424
recorder	0.3.4	user/multimedia	240
rootsh	1.8	user/system	32
rulerjinni	1.0.20100104-3	user/utilities	248
scoresheet	1.0-1	user/utilities	140
scout	0.1.5	user/office	240
seriesfinale	0.6.9-1	user/utilities	372
sgt-puzzles	8853-1maemo3	user/games	1704
shortcutd	0.1.4-1	user/system	240
showtime	1.2-9	user/utilities	2756
simple-brightness-applet	1.1-1maemo0	user/desktop	64
smscon	0.9.17-1	user/utilities	516
smscon-editor	0.9.12-1	user/network	476
smw	1.7-3	user/games	28048
starhash-enabler	0.2	user/system	16
status-area-orientationlock-applet	1.0+0cssu3.1	user/desktop	164
stopish	0.9.3-1	user/utilities	148
storageusage	1.1.4	user/utilities	216
sudser	0.2.0-4	user/system	36
swappolube	1.4-2	user/system	244
tar-gnu	1.22-2maemo5	user/system	2360
thembloodyducks	1.1.3	user/games	2044
theremin	1.8.1-3	user/multimedia	660
threetictac	0.7-2	user/games	308
timerjinni	1.1.20100223-2	user/utilities	264
tracker-cfg	0.3.2-4	user/system	136
tuner	0.1.3	user/multimedia	132
tweakflashver	0.4.0-maemo1	user/utilities	212
tweakr	0.0.17-2	user/system	228
unnethack	3.5.3-19	user/games	3244
vumeter	0.11.2	user/multimedia	192
wallpaeper	0.6.2	user/utilities	344
wifi-switcher	0.0.10	user/desktop	140
wifiinfo	0.10.20100104-2	user/utilities	712
wok	1.0-3	user/games	1016
wordsler	0.3.1	user/games	3800
Do we think there is an application somewhere causing this for some to be affected and others not?

Will the solution ever be found and how?

There is a possibly it's an application long un-installed that's broken something, Will what it has damaged be reinstallable?

I have install --reinstall"ed"
Answers, solutions, theories and comments all welcome.

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Last edited by sixwheeledbeast; 2012-09-14 at 17:46.

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Posts: 293 | Thanked: 163 times | Joined on Jan 2012 @ beijing-islamabad
yes there is always a problem with hildon home ,Reboot ,most of the time is the only solution .It gets worse by the time ,so eventually you need to reflash your device .Cssu doesnt offer any help either .There should be something done about it . Thanks sixwheeled for bringing this up .
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Can't believe I am the only one with this issue and want to try to get it solved?

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Copernicus's Avatar
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Originally Posted by sixwheeledbeast View Post
Can't believe I am the only one with this issue and want to try to get it solved?
Hmm. Not that it helps much, but I haven't yet seen this issue on my N900s. One point of interest, though -- browsing through the threads, it looks like everyone thinks widgets are the cause (although nobody seems to have pinned down a particular offending widget). I actually don't run any widgets, which may be why I haven't hit the problem yet.

Is there a difference in the widgets running on your test machine and your stable machine?

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Originally Posted by Copernicus View Post
Hmm. Not that it helps much, but I haven't yet seen this issue on my N900s. One point of interest, though -- browsing through the threads, it looks like everyone thinks widgets are the cause (although nobody seems to have pinned down a particular offending widget). I actually don't run any widgets, which may be why I haven't hit the problem yet.

Is there a difference in the widgets running on your test machine and your stable machine?
No, the first thing I did after reading all the threads on here was remove all the "not pinned down" application suggestions including all widgets.

I have even apt-get remove the whole default rss app.

I have two widgets on my test device but none on my stable.
Also as I say the applications on my stable are the same as on my testing device now.

This is why I am asking the questions as nobody has really found an answer as to what causes it.

I would hate for a bug in a "stable" extras applcation not to be found causing this misery to many not in the know.
My thoery behind it being an applcation is a non-TMO friend has the same problem but not to the same extent.

He only uses the extras catalogue and has never ever used any other repos or CSSU.

Thanks for your suggestions, I thought I was going to be talking to myself for a while...

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maybe you should try to trace memory allocations, though I simply don't know if it is possible on the device itself
Never fear. I is here.

720p video support on N900,SmartReflex on N900,Keyboard and mouse support on N900
Nothing is impossible - Stable thumb2 on n900

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3 desktop windows with 11 widgets on plus around 80 apps icons in app menu.When things are up and running in the background ,xorg shows up with 16 to 17 % of cpu usage .Hildon home also uses upto 11 % to 22 % of the cpu but only sometimes unlike that of xorg and also there is pulse audio,one of another culprit. I was really considering to do a Reflash today but since i have taken a lot of notes with penpen application ,kept me reluctant to do sucha thing . I wish it could be like any frigging fast device.Atleast there should have been some improvements after cssu .Actually without cssu ,N900 runs faster but looks a bit boring yeah . I hope some one blends something into hildon home .I read somewhere though that Xorg is the main culprit but on the other hand ,it is most necessary thing to keep the N900 up and running . Adios

Edit : between my N900 runs great .No problem what so ever ,its just that sometimes it gets so slow and kinda frustrating one . Sixwheeled problem is pretty much serious though .

Last edited by imo; 2012-09-14 at 19:47.

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Hey six wheeler,

is it like the process goes crazy and takes lot of cpu? And you do not recognize it, everything works normally, but you notice it by battery drain? Killing the process will get it started again and sort it out until next time happening?

If so gimme some more info, maybe I have a workaround for you. As on my device I experience that with hildon-desktop and made myself a solution (I have desktop-cmd-exec under suspicion).

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Originally Posted by peterleinchen View Post
Hey six wheeler,

is it like the process goes crazy and takes lot of cpu? And you do not recognize it, everything works normally, but you notice it by battery drain? Killing the process will get it started again and sort it out until next time happening?
Yes fairly similar.
It happens after a few days or so of light browsing with opera, heavy media player use and fairly heavy phone use. This is my normal usage pattern for the last 2 years or more.

This bug has happened on occasion in the past but it has more recently gone from happening maybe every month or more to 1-2 days.

It seems to be related to usage as if I reboot on a Friday the bug will not appear until Tuesday-Wednesday. If I reboot on a Monday it will be normally reappear by Wednesday.
I generally use the media player and phone applications a lot less of a weekend.

hildon-home starts popping up in top with about 50% CPU every minute or so. If you leave it for another day or so, eventually you notice heavy battery drain and hildon-home not responding messages under heavy load. At this point hildon-home is using 99% for long periods of time.

Although I am interested in your workaround my aim is to populate enough information to find the problem and get it fixed.

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Here is my workaround. I hope it helps you to sort it out. Keep me/us informed.

I am still looking for a solution/workaround to detect "hanging" of hildon-home, not reacting on touches, and let me missing all notifications.
I can not detect and have no idea, when this happens. Any suggestions?

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