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bada rox, bada rulez, fmms, mms, mms config, n900, python |
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Help translate fMMS to your own language! http://www.transifex.net/projects/p/fmms/c/ui/
Troubleshooting 101: http://wiki.maemo.org/MMS#Troubleshooting_fMMS
How fMMS works
fMMS installs a daemon (program running in the background) which will start whenever an SMS Push message (this SMS is of a special kind which is not handled by default in Fremantle) related to MMS is received by your phone. It will read the SMS message and try to fetch the MMS from your operator.
If successful you will get a notification "MMS Received" which looks like the notification you get when you receive a new e-mail; click on it or start fMMS manually to view your MMS.
If the fetching fails, you will get a notification saying "SMS Push received" which looks like the "New SMS" notification, clicking on this also launches fMMS.
Help improve
Encountered an error?
Please do the following:
Open X-Terminal and enter the following:
cp /tmp/fmms.log /home/user/MyDocs/
Then either use the email client on the N900 to send me 'fmms.log' or connect it as "Mass Storage" and send it from your desktop computer - the file is in the root directory when plugged in as mass storage device.
In the email/reply please include what operator you are on and in what country, as well as your forum username (if registered) and a link to any relevant post you may have posted in this thread. Thanks!
Please send the email to: fmms@frals.se or post it as an attachment in a reply to this topic.
Delete messages:
Tap-and-hold in the main view -> Click "Delete"
or Open the message -> Application menu -> Delete
Save images from MMS message:
Tap-and-hold on the image -> Open -> "Photos" application opens with the image.
Press the application bar when in the viewer -> Save attachments.
Explanation of connection modes
# Polite: This mode only connects to the MMS APN if no other connection is active.
# Rude: Automatically takes down your current connection, connects to the MMS APN and when it’s done reconnects to the previous connection if possible.
# Havoc: This is what other phone does (albeit much more reliably), it opens a second connection to the MMS APN in parallel with the one currently open. As an added bonus, the MMS APN is hidden from the “Connections” UI in this mode as it does not need to be visible. Due to the nature of the kernel in Maemo 5 there are some ugly hacks involved in this, so if your current connection and the MMS APN configuration share the same ip subnet, things might get ugly. Also, if the application fails in some way when opening/closing a connection in this mode it MIGHT lead to the modem not being able to open a new GPRS connection until a device reboot. You have been warned. Note: I’ve been using this mode for more than 5 months and not yet experienced it.
Note on APN
fMMS adds its own APN as of 0.9.0, if its a fresh install it will try to get the settings for you automatically when you open the configuration, otherwise it will import your old settings from the previous APN.
When using Havoc mode the MMS APN will be removed from the list in the connections UI as Fremantle does not handle 2 APNs gracefully and Havoc mode does not need it listed there.
The other two modes does however still show it, HOPEFULLY it should not get automatically picked up if you got autoconnect to GPRS on.
If the device is auto connecting to the MMS APN instead of the regular internet one automatically; runing:
in the terminal should correct this - please verify by checking in "Internet Connections" as well as edit the access point to make sure all settings got changed.
If your settings seems to be wrong, please check: http://wiki.maemo.org/MMS
Known issues:
Other devices might not receive/display non-english characters properly.
Other devices might not receive/display MMS without any text in.
Advanced configuration
Changing user-agent fMMS sends (Softbank JP users need to do this from what I've heard):
gconftool-2 -st string /apps/fmms/useragent "New UA String"
Manually specify image resize:
gconftool-2 -st int /apps/fmms/img_resize_width 1024
Disable all connection modes:
gconftool-2 -st int /apps/fmms/connmode 10
Reset all settings:
gconftool-2 -R /apps/fmms|grep apn
Should return: apn = xxxx
gconftool-2 --recursive-unset /system/osso/connectivity/IAP/xxxx
gconftool-2 --recursive-unset /apps/fmms
Remove all messages: rm -r /home/user/.fmms/
Nokias position on MMS for the N900: http://talk.maemo.org/showpost.php?p...&postcount=367
Vodafone UK support: http://forum.vodafone.co.uk/index.ph...pic=52406&st=0 and http://talk.maemo.org/showpost.php?p...postcount=1271
Old thread: http://talk.maemo.org/showthread.php?t=39737
Great walkthrough/FAQ: http://thetekblogger.com/2010/05/27/...ia-n900-f-a-q/
Bugs: https://bugs.maemo.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=fMMS
Garage site: https://garage.maemo.org/projects/fmms
Code available at: http://gitorious.org/fmms
Dev blog: http://blog.frals.se
(PS. I'm not above accepting donations for the time I've invested in this project: http://blog.frals.se/donate/
Problem with fMMS? Run in x-terminal: cp /tmp/fmms.log /home/user/MyDocs/
After that you'll see fmms.log in filemanager or when you connect the device to your desktop as a mass storage device.
E-mail the log to me, if you don't have the email address, drop me a PM. Thanks!
fMMS - MMS for your N900
fAPN - GUI for adding a new GPRS APN
If you like this post, don't be shy to thank me -->
Last edited by frals; 2010-11-08 at 20:50.