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I am so sorry that I make this post so late because at the early version, my tweak is only for friends and some local Chinese users and fufill their needs. Just about a month ago, I also make a English version and have never, never thought that this shxt can get 5,000 downloads and recently, I find some guys are interested in my keyboard tweak.

This tweak is modular design? It divides into core/engine ,keyboard layout and words table (.sqlite), you can absolutely use this tweak as a base of your modification.

This is a modified version of maliit qml files which provides more functions options in one menu, like

1. scalable keyboard height
2. restart keyboard service
3. change keyboard background and transparency
4. multi languages input in one keyboard layout ( don't have to switch from this and switch from that )
5. 4 different toolbars ( arrows, numbers, functions[home, end, ctrl+c, ctrl+v] )
6. an full color emoji keyboard
7. and some other complicated functions for Chinese users
8. how-to-type dictionary ( only for Chinese users )

This tutorial is quoted from cvp in openrepos

and I edit it into paragraph

1. obtain a package of source code of English+

2. rename en+.conf to whatever name you like, but my suggestion would be add a "+" to the default keyboard, like "fl+.conf"

3. edit fi+.conf and change it
name=Finland +
languageCode=FI +

4. then edit Xt9Handler.qml ,
edit line
"language: "EN" to "language: "FI"

5. rename en+.qml to fi+.qml and edit
copy & paste from old "fi .qml" into new "fi+.qml"

edit line
"import ".."" to "import "../dolphin""

add line
"import harbour.dolphin.keyboard 1.0"

6. Add dependency in your package .yaml and .spec
harbour-dolphin-keyboard >= 1.2-2


Source Code
Dolphin Keyboard Core:
Dolphin English+:

Open Repos


Since I am not familiar with, I will keep editing this thread until it is fully constructed

Last edited by SaberAltria; 2015-06-09 at 06:14.

The Following 18 Users Say Thank You to SaberAltria For This Useful Post:
Posts: 529 | Thanked: 988 times | Joined on Mar 2015
so it would be possible change languages for average users after installing or it is needed rebuild the app?
vistaus's Avatar
Posts: 423 | Thanked: 478 times | Joined on Sep 2014 @ Netherlands
Dolphin Keyboard is so awesome, been using it for a while now

But on 1.1.6 the number row on top of the keyboard is not visible anymore You can hit the numbers but you can't see which one you are hitting until you've hit it.
Jordi's Avatar
Posts: 400 | Thanked: 708 times | Joined on Jun 2011 @ Geneva - CH
Originally Posted by itdoesntmatt View Post
so it would be possible change languages for average users after installing or it is needed rebuild the app?
For my Swiss-French keyboard, I modified the files after the install as I have no competences in building apps.

Your Dolphin keyboard is great!
Posts: 738 | Thanked: 819 times | Joined on Jan 2012 @ Berlin
for german users follow > this intruction <

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Posts: 635 | Thanked: 1,535 times | Joined on Feb 2014 @ Germany
Hi, with SailfishOS the word prediction isn't working anymore. I reinstalled Dolphin but the problem still remains.
TMavica's Avatar
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Originally Posted by mautz View Post
Hi, with SailfishOS the word prediction isn't working anymore. I reinstalled Dolphin but the problem still remains.
Yes. sometimes it gone
already reported to developer
The Glorious Lady T.Mavica

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Schturman's Avatar
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SaberAltria, I want ask you something...
I created two keyboards with color emoji based on your keyboard.
1. Simple Hebrew
2. Triple keyboard (Hebrew-English-Russian) with switcher.

Can I post them on openrepos ?

P.S. I also have a problem with shift key, I can't lock it, not on English kb and not on my. Can you fix it please ?

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fravaccaro's Avatar
Posts: 52 | Thanked: 143 times | Joined on Mar 2013 @ Rome, Italy
Same here, I would like to publish on openrepos an Italian layout.
Jolla Community Italia admin
Ping me @fravaccaro |
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Posts: 529 | Thanked: 988 times | Joined on Mar 2015
fra vaccaro i really need it since i made some mistake and my kbd doesnt work now

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