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I've been using aircrack-ng, and the files sitting in root as starting to pile up.
I did some forum searching and some google searching since my knowledge of linux is pitiful, to some avail, but it wasn't all around victory for me.

I know to delete files, you become root, and you use the command rm filename then it deletes said file. However, the files are called --irv-01.cap etc, and when you put rm --irv-01.cap it does not recognize it as an option...and it mocks me.

Any help on how to fix this? And just to clarify from searching the forum, aircrack...once you find the channel (lets say 6), and you want to start, the command is
airodump-ng -c 6 -w --ivs wlan0
Correct? Lets say theres more then one on that channel...then what?

Thanks for the help people
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Originally Posted by Bloodangel05 View Post
I've been using aircrack-ng, and the files sitting in root as starting to pile up.
I did some forum searching and some google searching since my knowledge of linux is pitiful, to some avail, but it wasn't all around victory for me.

I know to delete files, you become root, and you use the command rm filename then it deletes said file. However, the files are called --irv-01.cap etc, and when you put rm --irv-01.cap it does not recognize it as an option...and it mocks me.

Any help on how to fix this? And just to clarify from searching the forum, aircrack...once you find the channel (lets say 6), and you want to start, the command is
airodump-ng -c 6 -w --ivs wlan0
Correct? Lets say theres more then one on that channel...then what?

Thanks for the help people
Since it's unix there are many ways to do what you want.
Since you are root there are many ways to do what you do not want to do.
At your level make sure everything you do with the rm command asks for permission.
You could use quote marks.
You could use the find command.
You could use wild cards to match the first two characters.

My favorite method is:
rm -r ./*
This tries to remove the first file it finds, moves up the directory structure and then descends, sometimes leaving you with a clean disk, all ready for a rebuild.
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Be very sure to notice the '.' in the command mentioned in the previous post, as deleting the whole file-system normally takes some effort to recover from.
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You might try renaming the files first.
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On a standard Linux machine, I'd use a command like "rm -- --irv-01.cap".
The two dashes will tell the "rm" command to process any further arguments as filenames.
Posts: 264 | Thanked: 28 times | Joined on May 2006
or use rm *.cap

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