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What is necessary to make the trip fun? How do you prepare for it? Can somebody kind enough to post a picture of the electrical plug used in Berlin. I tried and tried to google, it said you need a converter, and voltage change, but no pics. I have some plug converter for Asian trip, dont know whether they are the same. TIA,

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Having lived in Germany (Berlin & Augsburg) off and on growing up (Air Force Brat). The best advice I can offer is to pick up a little of language. I have found that if you make the attempt to speak the local language, the locals (for the most part) will let you muddle through for a while and then help you out.
I had several friends who "hated" being overseas because the "People are rude to Americans". Most of this was self inflicted by assuming that everyone should speak English.

Fun stuff: the museum at Check Point Charlie was a favorite of mine while living there (early 80s).

Beer - German beer is WAY better IMO than your typical American style beer. Sample, Sample, Sample.

Electricity: There is a picture of the plug adapter towards the bottom of this page:

I also found it to be interesting being in a city that has been there hundreds of years longer than The USA has been in existence...

Hope this helps! Have a safe trip!

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Yeah, learn some German bitte!

Germans usually speak English (especially in Berlin), but if you speak some words German you show you try and care. Signs etcetera are always in German.

Standard European plugs, you can get a American -> Europe converter for a few EUR. I ordered mine at eBay, 2 for 5 EUR incl S&H (cause I bought some American electronic devices while in America).

Be sure to grab some Club-Mate at C-Base. Its the German hacker drink. C-Base is pretty cool anyway.

American beer is pretty bad, so some German beer is also recommended, but I don't know much about brands, I'm more into Belgian and Dutch beer. Mind you, any beer you drink in US with EU brand is import quality. The Heineken in US tastes different than the Heineken in NL.

I find food in Germany always decent with good service, for a sane price, in contrast to my own country. I know some good restaurants, but not really 'German' style, and IMO if you are in a country you should experience their culture.

Night life in Berlin is 24/7 alive!
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Originally Posted by bunanson View Post
What is necessary to make the trip fun? How do you prepare for it? Can somebody kind enough to post a picture of the electrical plug used in Berlin. I tried and tried to google, it said you need a converter, and voltage change, but no pics. I have some plug converter for Asian trip, dont know whether they are the same. TIA,

Check out (it includes pictures),

It's 220v most electronic equipment nowadays uses switching power supplies that can handle 100 to 240v. So you should be prety much set already... all that you would need would be a plug adapter or better a european power cable.

-- Denis
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Originally Posted by Benson View Post

Should presumably be type F.
I can confirm that you will have type F plugs in Germany (I live there most of the time ;-) , see
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I always have on hand an American>Euro and American/UK plug adapter, but while living in Europe until recently I found it easier to travel with a European Nokia charger for my N800. Unless you're traveling with other electrical items it might make more sense. I will be easy to find in any electronics or mobile phone store and should not cost more than $20 US.

Berlin is a fabulous city, and one of the great bargains in Europe. With the recent decline of the Euro I think you'll find lodging and dining prices similar to the US, depending on your tastes.

As discussed by others, the beer, especially pilsners, are excellent. Of particular note is the traditional Berliner Weisse. It's tart/sour and tough on the uninitiated palate. Even many Berliners add syrup or raspberry juice to tame it. Enjoy it with a Thüringer Rostbratwurst.
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The flat type C plug ( is the most common one, it fits the same socket as type F.
Just so you are not confused when your adapter looks smaller than the bulky type F.

Beeing german but not from Berlin I can add little inside tips to those above.
But I can tell you that the city of Berlin is very diverse due to its history and so are its people.
Make sure to visit not only the tourist guide locations in "Mitte" but also some up and coming areas especially in the east. The former GDR-parts where ugly and someplace still are but now harbour a young and creative new generation.
I like "Prenzlauer Berg" and the area around "Simon-Dach-Straße" (

Do not think there really is such a thing as german food anymore, most people prefer pizza, pasta and other "foreign" dishes.
If you have a lot of meat, potatoes and some vegetables and you are dining in a place with dark furniture and a deers head at the wall, THAT might be what you could call traditional german. ;-)
There is one fast-food dish that was invented by turkish people living in Berlin, it's called "Döner" and consists of bread with meat, salad and tzaziki that you can buy everywhere. You probably know it as "kebab" (full name is "Döner Kebab").

Have fun!
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Originally Posted by Snoshrk View Post
Beer - German beer is WAY better IMO than your typical American style beer. Sample, Sample, Sample.
~ and ~

Originally Posted by allnameswereout View Post
American beer is pretty bad, so some German beer is also recommended...
Wait... Are you saying that people actuall drink American beer? On purpose?

Actually, American beer is really good for drinking while playing sports.

As for Germany... I have not been, but have many friends who have. I've heard that it is among the easiest places in Europe to travel.

Go to an ATM when you get there and get some Euros. Having one of the listed power outlets listed is helpful. Of course, all of the other advice is very helpful as well.

Ich sehe sie dort!
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A few hints:

- If you borrow a car and want to visit the inner city, you need something called "Umweltplakette". It is a sticker for your car and costs 5 or 6 euro
- It is better to use public transportation with 3-day-tickets

- I recommend you Bitburger and Becks.

- There's no problem with English. All German students learn it at school (so talk to young people ) and the berlins are used to tourists.

Man, there's really no problem, even if you want to stay with American food

Are you talking about the Maemo Summit?

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