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Check this video out:

In my opinion, N97 is clearly the worst.

But whats making HTC Desire a lot faster than N900?

Is it flash 10.1, 1Ghz processor, or android browser is simply better than microB?
Posts: 196 | Thanked: 47 times | Joined on Mar 2010
I am under the impression that one of the things PR1.2 brings us is a noticbly faster browsing experience.

When we get flash 10, things will improve even more.
Posts: 196 | Thanked: 47 times | Joined on Mar 2010
I would like to know what internet backhaul each phone is using, what settings are on each device etc.

Just went and found the page they're using to test,

Just tested on my phone in portrait mode and I'm 100% faster than their example n900 but still 30% slower than the desire.

However I'm fully expecting more than this 30% with the combination of PR1.1 and flash 10, so lets wait till then to see who's smiling.

My browser is probably 40% faster than it was out of the
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Originally Posted by Chrome View Post
PR1.2 may improve browsing speed a bit, but sadly we wont get flash 10.1

Ohhhh! that's a bit of a let down, what do you think the chances are of a community project implementing it themselves? or would this require Adobe code?

or perhaps a flash look a like client that enables us to collect the stream, file it and then come back to play it with the media player of your choice? Most people use flash as video windows don't they?
Posts: 196 | Thanked: 47 times | Joined on Mar 2010
Originally Posted by Chrome View Post
I did some browser mods on N900, like editing pipleline values, enabling tracemonkey, and more.
Also OC'd to 850Mhz and browsing is a LOT faster now.

But hey its not a fair comparison now, is it? we should compare both out of the box.

Again, N900 wont be getting flash 10.1, but maybe its possible to port linux flash when it's out.

Rock on Linux Flash 10.1
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Originally Posted by Chrome View Post
Again, N900 wont be getting flash 10.1, but maybe its possible to port linux flash when it's out.
N900 should be getting Flash 10.1

How did you make your conclusion that it won't?

Both companies said that Maemo will get the new Flash, MeeGo will get it too. It is planned. They will not speak of this matter again unless plans change. No reason for them to change, as N900 was one of the first devices used to demonstrate Flash 10.1 on a mobile device.

Please don't spread disinformation. Ofc, nothing is certain in life, but Flash 10.1 should be available on N900 and other devices in Q2 2010.

Last edited by ivanzorkic; 2010-05-08 at 12:26.

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Originally Posted by Chrome View Post
I didn't make that conclusion, Qole did.

Do you have a reason to doubt him?
I have a reason to doubt anyone making a claim without any proof to back it up. No matter who that person is. Claiming to have "an insider source" is a stronger argument for you than a video of N900 running Flash 10.1? And stronger than common sense as there is no logic behind a "business" decision not to have it on the N900?

Don't trust other people's "insider sources" unless they are your own. I have one source that told me Qole is Google camp (and so I did, as a matter of fact, I'm not making it up just to make an argument). Now, should you trust me, or him? Or his insider?

Better instead - trust your logic, trust the obvious, hope for the best. I'm not saying N900 will get Flash with 100% certainty. All I said is - don't make claims until you have hard facts because people will think it's official. You can say that you think/believe/expect etc. that N900 won't get Flash 10.1. I will say that I think it will. You are free to disagree with me, ofc.

Besides, I find it funny how people will believe one tweet from someone who "has an insider" and when Qgil from Nokia says N900 will get MeeGo on several occasions, people still say "hmmm, I don't know, fishy to me.... Not sure till I get an OFFICIAL announcement". Why is it people need official announcements for good things, but will take every bad thing just from a rumor.

Last edited by ivanzorkic; 2010-05-08 at 15:03.
Posts: 122 | Thanked: 46 times | Joined on Mar 2010
i felt depressed upon watching the video, can't believe an android will beat n900's browsing. :-(
Ronaldo's Avatar
Posts: 682 | Thanked: 208 times | Joined on Jan 2010 @ UK
I have both phones here now, actually i have had n97 which in that video did well but most other times you will get memory low error.

anyways desire does load pages slighty faster but with n900 in landscape mode you can view a site without having to zoom and read text, with desire in landscape mode you still need to zoom in a little to read text properly.

i like microB more and multitasking of windows of browser
n900 (UK) Global 3.2010.02.8
Posts: 67 | Thanked: 280 times | Joined on Dec 2009
Originally Posted by Chrome View Post
Good points and valid argument, but why would a community council member lie about flash support and risk losing our trust because of a mere tweet?

Anyway, lets stay positive and say N900 will get flash 10.1, is that enough to make it compete with the Desire? we can only hope
As far as I know, he's no longer a council member.

And besides, even if he was, council members are not Nokia employees, they may know a thing or two that general public doesn't, but it still on rumor-level only.

As for N900 competing with Desire - well, I think it comes down to personal preference. Desire is a great device. Also remember its newer. But I think the N900 is still the best browsing device out there.

Finally - you don't really have to compare the two. Would you feel better if Desire was worse? Your own browsing experience wouldn't improve if it was the case. The only thing important is how you feel about the browsing capabilities of your own device. I *want* new devices to be better than the once we have. I want the technology to constantly push forward. And as for the N900 browsing - it rocks.

But hey, if you really want to compare, try typing this link in Desire's browser:

javascript:var%20e=document.createElement('script' );e.setAttribute('language','javascript');e.setAtt ribute('src','');document.body.appendChild(e);void(0);

You'll get one big nothing. Run it while viewing any page in MicroB and get a nice sidebar! (seriously, you can copy this into your browser, add it to bookmarks and have a nice way to shorten links and tweet them straight from your MicroB)

Why is this possible on MicroB and not on any Android browser? Because MicroB is a true, desktop grade browser. So, still thinking Desire is better?

And I say - it should get better. Then Nokia should get better. Then Android. Then Nokia. And on and on

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