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Posts: 72 | Thanked: 22 times | Joined on May 2010
here is one for the nokia books lol

all of a sudden here is a list of things that i can no longer do on my n900
1 - no long press to get numbers... i have to press function key then the required number.

2 - no copy and paste in all supported apps.

3 - no virtual keyboard

4 - doudle press on the shift key now closes the app that it used in

i have flashed the phone 2 time but this problem remains still.
its now driving me a little bit mad since i use the n900 as my main
everyday phone.

i dont know if there are any help and what can be done ........
it realy could be true. the nokia n900 does have a life of its own

cn lol
Posts: 692 | Thanked: 264 times | Joined on Dec 2009
Wow, that is did a rootfs flash?
"Impossible is not in the Maemo vocabulary" - Caballero
Posts: 72 | Thanked: 22 times | Joined on May 2010
thanks for the reply.

well i re-flashed the unit again and now it appears to be working. lol
there is something real funky going on in the hardware.
3 flashes to recover hhhmmmmm

anyway thanks again


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