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Oh what could have been

That vid actually makes me sick.

Full flash, and quite responsive, nice bit of press.
Notice the "full website not mobile version!" exclamation.

How anyone could say Nokia haven't dropped the ball on this, I don't know, Full flash video was a primary in my decision to purchase.

N900 is still a great phone, but could have been, should have been, so much better.

(I know someone will attack me for this post, but tell me that vid doesn't make you feel sick.)

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danramos's Avatar
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It's okay, though! I've been told that you can trick Flash 9.x on the N900 to identify itself as Flash 10.x, thereby letting stuff try to play/run. I can't help thinking someone at Nokia is muttering, "That should pacify you f***ers!"
HellFlyer's Avatar
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maybe its time to switch?
The quieter you become the more you are able to hear

"I'm a N900 user, can I haz Flash 10 plz?!11!?" © Jaffa

Elopocalypse started on 11.02.2011
Hotshot's Avatar
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It's a known fact that the N900 "could" be so much better with more Nokia support. But I still enjoy my phone to the max so I guess thats all that really matters to me.
I ever tell you about the time......

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Posts: 313 | Thanked: 86 times | Joined on Oct 2009
most people still using n900 is in denial. 6 more months n900 will be history. Even nokia have abandoned us from Day 1. I really hope meego succeed but it i doubt it. Once GingerBread comes out meego will REALLY need to out do it in terms of feature(s) and APPS. If the apps side suffers then it is all over...

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I don't get this infinite trumpeting of Google's Android as the hottest fuzz around. I for one find Android too limited and the vanilla Android UI to look boring as hell. This combined with devices not really matching my tastes (the physical qwerty slide-out keyboards being odd by norm), I for one can say that Android isn't for everyone!

Sure, I would like that Flash 10 support, but for me Flash10 is a minor deficit, because 99,7% of the web's content still plays on my N900 or am I wrong? Also, unlike Android, the MeeGo UI's we've seen so far have all looked better than vanilla Android UIs and the Nokia one looked better than any Sense UI I've ever seen. MeeGo just seems to pack the functionality and power of Maemo to go with the eyecandy and great expandibility.

So when I see this kind of raving about "Android this Android that therefore I'm such a sucker to have the N900" I must feel that we're sliding towards a "cultural degredation" in terms of having multiple OS's around. It's always about finding just one OS instead of liking many, and because Android is American it receives inherently more attention. God knows in Finland we trumpet Nokia's achievements like nobody else's (well we used to before it became hip to diss Nokia). This makes Android inherently the only viable OS in many (American blogger) people's minds.

Sorry didn't mean to fanboy rant here, as my next device will be MeeGo but not necessarily Nokia's MeeGo.

EDIT: And what's with the stutter in the videos in that demo!

Last edited by cjp; 2010-08-12 at 17:11.

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Posts: 106 | Thanked: 52 times | Joined on Mar 2010 @ Corfe Castle, Dorset, UK
Saw the video first thing this morning, thanks to the rss feeder on my wonderful N900

Typical bbc not doing their research properly
leetut's Avatar
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i watch full flash10 vids on my n900 via nitdroid on
(without any lag or problems)
born to rage against them

Last edited by leetut; 2010-08-12 at 20:40.

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Originally Posted by cenwesi View Post
6 more months n900 will be history.
In 6 months we should have a fully functional NITDroid 2.2
smoku (SMTP/XMPP) ...:.:....:... pebbled . Poky Fish : sixaxis . psx4m . uae4all
Jolla Phone post-mortem . . . . . . . . . . -> 1+1 VGN-UX390N

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Posts: 478 | Thanked: 101 times | Joined on Feb 2010
Originally Posted by smoku View Post
In 6 months we should have a fully functional NITDroid 2.2
need ginger bread or whatever biscuit type android 3 is... then when Sony release that gaming phonee we can pinch all the emulators WOOP!

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