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I have a question about the application viewer on the n900 (the 6 squares on the top left). Clicking this icon shows me all installed applications on my n900 in a long, scrollable list. The list however is not sorted in alpahbetical order, nor can I search for an application. Is this normal?

I have the latest firmware installed.
dchky's Avatar
Posts: 549 | Thanked: 299 times | Joined on Jun 2010 @ Australian in the Philippines
That's the normal behavior - built in applications tend to be listed right up at the top, with everything you install listed somewhat alphabetically under that.

To modify the list, click on any icon of interest and hold - after a few seconds it will allow you to move it wherever you want to.

Catorise is a nice addition - it stores everything in category folders for you - it does a pretty good job of this on its own but you can install an application that allows you to customize the layout.

Last edited by dchky; 2010-11-01 at 15:39.

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debernardis's Avatar
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Try also apmefo which allows you to create submenus and list your applications there as you like.
Ernesto de Bernardis


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You can use the App Search Widget to search and launch installed applications.

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