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Posts: 105 | Thanked: 73 times | Joined on Jan 2011
Hi people
I'd like to get some feedback on a Theme I'm currently working on for my newly acquired N900. I saw there already are Fallout themes and I did try them both, but even as good as they are, it wasn't what I was looking for. So I started my own.

Doing it using the Theme Maker under windows, which I lately heard isn't a good choise. But it works for me so far.

Anyway here are screens from my phone using it, to see the current progress. Let me know what you think!!!


1.0.11b to download

Just unzip into your .documents and in x-terminal do

sudo gainroot
cp -r ~/MyDocs/.documents/opt/* /home/opt/usr/share/
Then you can switch to PIP-BOY n900 theme.

It's the only way I know how to install it before I figure out how to create a deb install. :/

CHANGELOG - "b" stands for "blue"

1.0.11b - Different default wallpapers. Added chat presence icons (online, away, busy, offline). Changes to Mediaplayer widget. Color setup for SMS conversations changed slightly to better fit the theme.

1.0.1b - Added 48x48 icons of battery for the statusmenu just to see how it works. I'll change all of the menu icons, now then I know how to do it.

1.0b Lets say this is the starting point. For my personal use I would stop here I guess.


Extra backgrounds Extra sets of wallpapers with alternate HOME screens

Contacts and Internet shortcut alternates (with thumbnails).
Copy into /home/opt/usr/share/themes/pip-boy_n900/images/

Battery meters based on work, done here, by dr_frost_dk. If you like it don't forget to thank him as well. It's QBW widgets, so you need it installed if you want to use those. BTW: The Vault Boy gets hurt as the percentage drops.

Battery meter 100% sized Vault Boy - The size of this meter is the same as the Vault Boy on the wallpaper.
Battery meter 75% sized Vault Boy - The size of this meter is 75% of the Vault Boy on the wallpaper.
Battery meter 50% sized Vault Boy - The size of this meter is 50% of the Vault Boy on the wallpaper.

Live wallpaper - This is an prototype of the live wallpaper. Almost the way I like it.
Attached Images

Last edited by Tinukedaya; 2011-04-03 at 17:22.

The Following 43 Users Say Thank You to Tinukedaya For This Useful Post:
Chrome's Avatar
Posts: 349 | Thanked: 309 times | Joined on Feb 2010 @ PS/IL
Looks nice so far, good luck on that.
leetut's Avatar
Posts: 1,169 | Thanked: 1,174 times | Joined on Jan 2010 @ sunderland
Yet its great! I did post lots of good fallout stuff icons and wallpapers in the pipboy theme threads but was originaly shot down for wanting a similar look, in the design section somewhere, looking forward to the finished theme
born to rage against them
Posts: 25 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on Nov 2010
great work broo
Posts: 156 | Thanked: 29 times | Joined on Jul 2010 @ Pakistan
so far so great
Posts: 57 | Thanked: 7 times | Joined on Jun 2010
Looks awesome!!
kingoddball's Avatar
Posts: 1,187 | Thanked: 816 times | Joined on Apr 2010 @ Australia
When it's available in HAM, please post up instantly! I love it! (Massive Fallout fan. From the original)
The thanks button? Sure! You can press it! I would!
Posts: 130 | Thanked: 48 times | Joined on Jan 2010 @ Hampshire, UK
Looking good, but i must make you aware of an issue that occured on another Fallout theme -

Urgent Cease and Desist Notice

Re: Pip-Boy 3000 Theme v1.1 for ThrottleLauncher (“Pipboy Skin”)

We write to notify you under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act that you are infringing on the exclusive rights of Bethesda Softworks LLC (“Bethesda”), the wholly owned games division of ZeniMax Media Inc. (“ZeniMax”), by making available for download a Windows Mobile “Pipboy Skin” based on the Fallout® video game franchise in violation of our exclusive copyright rights. Bethesda is the exclusive holder of the copyrights in and to the Fallout® video games and content therein, including the design of the “Pipboy” device and the “Vault Boy” character. Your “Pipboy” skin is an unauthorized copy of our design elements and a derivative work of our proprietary Fallout® games content in violation of our exclusive rights. I

Dissemination of the Pipboy Skin is in direct violation of U.S. and international copyright laws. As a duly authorized representative of ZeniMax, I have a good faith belief that such illegal conduct in the manner complained of herein is not authorized by ZeniMax, its subsidiary, Bethesda, its agents, or by law.

Accordingly, we hereby demand that you cease any further publication and/or distribution of the Pipboy Skin and cease and desist from engaging in any such further infringement of our proprietary rights in the future. Failure to comply with this request will lead to action for injunctive relief and/or a claim for damages as warranted.

We demand that you provide us with written assurance within three (3) days from receipt of this message that you have taken the necessary steps to cease publication and distribution of the Pipboy Skin and will prevent any further infringement of our intellectual property rights.

The Following User Says Thank You to DJRedline For This Useful Post:
Posts: 130 | Thanked: 48 times | Joined on Jan 2010 @ Hampshire, UK
I'm not saying stop what your doing as i would love a Fallout theme, I'm just making you aware of previous issues.
Posts: 57 | Thanked: 7 times | Joined on Jun 2010
You can change the name, why don't you call it pip-guy os something like that? they will never know about it

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