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Well...I've always been a proud owner of Nokia phones since my first one in 1996 and have loved most of them...but over the last couple years Nokia have gone down in my estimation!

In fact, I was quite fed up with Nokia before the introduction N900 but I thought I would give Nokia another I did after the late late late introduction of N900. Was very well made (although a bit too thick!) but it was a nice experience....and I was looking forward to great software to come....but I must say I was disappointed!

Fist of all, they dropped Maemo...(my £500 N900 became obsolete only after a few months of introduction!!!!!), although they did issue a rather poor update in PR1.2, with missing voice guided OVI Maps Nokia promised...just to name one of the many promises they broke!!!

Then, to add insult to injury...they announced that there would not be an official Meego build for N900....that was a really clever decision Nokia!!!

The only thing that's keeping the N900 going is the community as Nokia have sadly abandoned its loyal well done and thank you Maemo community...and sadly bye bye Nokia as I've opted for an Android's a much more exciting and fun OS albeit not as powerful as Maemo!

Good bye for now...Ash

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With 17 Thanks? We will miss you.

Could a Mod please merge this thread with one of the several others?

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These threads are two to a penny now, and sadly I am starting to agree with some of them. I have not used nokia in years but bought the N900 as it was a proper linux phone (I know its not really a phone). Usual spiel, well built, miss the maps and all that but got over it due to the ability to do what I wanted with the OS. In hindsight I should have done more research as lack of USB host support, the annoying location of the usb port, lack of well layed out physical switches drives me mad at time. I am not blaming Nokia for failing with the phone, it was my purchase decision and it's my own tough **** when things like the physical aspects of the phone bug me.

Some people on here have to learn that a lot of people feel really hard done by from a software point of view and on the flip side a lot of the people with these complains need to realise that this is not a nokia site and most of us who are trying to get on with using the device and sick to death of the crying and moaning about this, that and the other. Both groups are runing the community the site has given to so many people over the years, so please cut it out.

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My problem is I really like my n900 - from a technical aspect Nokia have done a great job and it also has a stable OS.

It's not perfect but I use it all the time.

It's Nokia's current management team that are causing all the problems - ignoring the n900, ignoring maemo, switching to MeeGo and the utter fail of the OVI Store.
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Could a moderator open a sticky thread "Old members say farewell!", please?

Last edited by torshind; 2010-08-10 at 13:40.

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god damn not another thread......

Nobody likes us but we dont care....

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You would think Nokia would notice threads like these and maybe start "asking questions".
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Posts: 47 | Thanked: 9 times | Joined on Feb 2010
You guys were obviously interested cos no one told you to look at these threads

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Originally Posted by johnel View Post
You would think Nokia would notice threads like these and maybe start "asking questions".
I thought all of Nokia's efforts are being placed in getting MeeGo happening. They just need to let everyone know the n900 will run it entirely and keep us in the loop and these threads will disappear.
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Ever taken the time to think that all of these farewell threads are indicative of a true problem guys?

I mean... besides the freedom of speech, it seems like a few people are jumping ship. And instead of attacking, look at the deeper problem(s).

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