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We all know there are more and more web sites all too eager to lock people with Flash 9 out, even though their content does not really require Flash 10.x.

Well, Ladies and Geeks, the days of manually fiddling with your hex editor to work around or deal with terminal/root stuff is over. Fully appreciating people who experimented with this before me (kevloral et al), I give you Tweak Flash Version which allows you to painlessly change the reported flash version from a GUI (and it even makes a backup of the .so - ha !). Note - this will NOT make flash faster or sites genuinely requiring Flash 10 work. What it does is getting you around pesky Flash version checks. Enjoy.


The backup is at ~/MyDocs/

A Diablo version will follow shortly when we get the kinks sorted out on Fremantle.

You don't need to restore the original libs if you are already using kevloral's binaries, tweakflashver will handle those just fine.
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Last edited by attila77; 2010-07-28 at 17:40.

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joshv06's Avatar
Posts: 346 | Thanked: 139 times | Joined on Jan 2008 @ Houston Texas
Wow that was fast! Thanks!
Nokia N900
Posts: 958 | Thanked: 483 times | Joined on May 2010
wahaha i knew this was coming. hell, sign me up!
Posts: 254 | Thanked: 95 times | Joined on Feb 2010 @ New Delhi, India
Awesome.... Gonna try it rightaway!
Posts: 889 | Thanked: 537 times | Joined on Mar 2010 @ scotland
cooool! although about ten mins after i manually swapped my .so file, this should still work though i take it?
sarcasm may be the lowest form of wit, but its the only wit i have.

its a sad day when i can't slip at least one hitchhiker reference in somewhere.
Posts: 13 | Thanked: 2 times | Joined on Jul 2010 @ London, UK
Nice! Certainly more convenient for gui-people

I was in the process of writing a script (commandline) for this & I accidentally wiped the original file.

Can't believe I made such a silly error (been fiddling with linux for 17 years!!!)

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It will work with an already modded setup (obviously the backup it makes in that case will not be that of the original lib).
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Posts: 320 | Thanked: 137 times | Joined on Apr 2010
Awesome! thanks dude.
Posts: 889 | Thanked: 537 times | Joined on Mar 2010 @ scotland
Originally Posted by attila77 View Post
It will work with an already modded setup (obviously the backup it makes in that case will not be that of the original lib).
thanks. just aswell i already backed that up eh? may i ask what and where it stores the backup as? incase its the same as mine and overwrites.
sarcasm may be the lowest form of wit, but its the only wit i have.

its a sad day when i can't slip at least one hitchhiker reference in somewhere.
Posts: 2,014 | Thanked: 1,581 times | Joined on Sep 2009
Yeah seg fault here as well. Will try an strace on it.
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