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kingoddball's Avatar
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As some of you may know, I have bought a Galaxy s2.. I love the speed and power!

Now... Android, yes. fun. nice. Open Source..


I got a chroot running, it's nice. Really. Even using the VNC, I'm happy with it. But god damn! Android is just SO BOXED IN!

I want to add my own icon to the program (app? Ew) menu to boot a custom chroot I'm going to build. I can't figure it out!
I do not want to compile and entire application (I can't say "app"!)/program just for a damn shortcut!
Screw that!

I just can't stand some parts of android, although some parts are just A-OK!

This is not a rant, just an observation. Android is great for a "basic" end user who can not afford an iPhone. It's really becoming a great os now, but it's just not what I need anymore!
I need the power and tweakabiliy of Maemo! hehe...

Luckily I kept my N900 (had to buy it back after I sold it).

I'm starting to think maybe I'll get an N9 if/when it comes out, hopefully everyone (I can hope!) here moves to meego so we can hack and dev once again on new hardware!

Also, a little off the "odd" topic:

Can Meego run in a CHROOT on android like it can on our little N900?
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Posts: 502 | Thanked: 366 times | Joined on Jun 2010 @ /dev/null
I don't know if Android can run Meego in a chroot environment but I do know Android users can run for example ubuntu or even backtrack 5 on their Android handhelds as long as its compiled for ARM (which is needlessly obvious).

I wouldn't know if Android's sort of chroot would be similar to N900.
Posts: 203 | Thanked: 152 times | Joined on May 2009 @ Austria
With android, you have a phone again. N900 is not a phone.
I have the same problem with my LG P920
//Try DrinkCounter from extras-devel

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This might be a solution for you:
You can use it with launcher pro.
(posting 4, not sure if you need root though)

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Daneel's Avatar
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Aside from all the things Android did to move away from standard Linux i just plain dislike the interface on Android 2.
Android 3 on the other hand seems yummy.
kingoddball's Avatar
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I have not used android 3. Well, not properly. I am running Android X86 as a VM, which is 3.1 using ADW launcher... Stupid
The thanks button? Sure! You can press it! I would!
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Originally Posted by kingoddball View Post
I want to add my own icon to the program (app? Ew) menu to boot a custom chroot I'm going to build. I can't figure it out!
Can Meego run in a CHROOT on android like it can on our little N900?
Hi, kingoddball, I do the shortcut thing with
If anybody has a more elegant solution, please post and I'll be grateful
And, I second you in wanting to try MeeGo in a chroot (even if once we get Debian, we have all we need imho).
Ernesto de Bernardis


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I did try to install Linux on my Blade. Alas, I wasn't as successful as with EasyDeb on the N900.But at least it should be possible to get a virtual OS up and running.
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Originally Posted by kingoddball View Post
As some of you may know, I have bought a Galaxy s2.. I love the speed and power!
Can Meego run in a CHROOT on android like it can on our little N900?
Many folks like myself love the N900 and plan on keeping it, but would also like to take advantage of the HW capabilities of the current and upcoming android devices. I really like the idea of having the option of making the user experience on an android phone as much as possible like the N900. Having something like Easy Debian, Meego or Maemo would be awesome on android device. I hope this thread turns epic in doing so and would also help in making transition back and forth from maemo to android or meego to android and so on a fun thing to do...

Last edited by mscion; 2011-08-25 at 20:46.

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android has always been a halfbacked linuxjoke :/

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