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Harmoji is the Harmattan implementation of Emoji. Harmoji enables the viewing of Emoji characters throughout the system, as well as inputting them.

It supports all the emoji found in the iOS version.

How to enable Harmoji:
Once you install the app, the device will reboot. From here, Harmoji is enabled to allow you to view Emoji icons. To input them yourself, you need to enable the Harmoji Keyboards.

This is done in Settings>Time & Language > Text Input > Installed Keyboards. Remember to select all the Keyboards listed as "Harmoji (x)"

Updating releases:
It is suggested to remove the existing version and rebooting before updating. For releases with updated keyboards, you will need to disable and then re-enable the keyboard for the changes to take full effect.

Uninstalling Harmoji:
When you uninstall Harmoji, disable the keyboards first, and then proceed with the uninstall.

Before anybody asks;
Sadly, it does not allow iPhone users to send a text containing Emoji. That is a bug in Harmattan itself.

Plans for upcoming release:
- Improved consistency between Harmoji keyboards, as well as native keyboard, in terms of layout.
- Enable coloured Emoji both viewing and input.
- Enable Keyboards automatically after installation.
- Remove the Android smiley [Added as of 0.7.3]
- If possible, remove the need for reboot [Added as of 0.7 ]

Known Bugs:
- Some Chinese users face an issue where two keys are swapped (either side of space bar)
- Can't send texts with Harmoji as of 0.7. Can send texts normally, but harmoji causes them to get the "could not send message to [number]" error
- Some characters show up as squares. A reboot fixes that

If you discover bugs, or even have feature requests, please add them here

* Removed displaying of Androids and replaced them with iOS Smiley
* Updated: App info page no longer says "device will reboot after install"
* QA stuff
* Fixed: Critical Bugs showing Chinese characters and squares
* Fixed: Need to reboot after install
* Added: New keyboards to compensate for iOS 6 input
* Altered package structure to fix issue in 0.6.5
* Fixed: Switching between Harmoji and Language input, deletes input
* Fixed: Bug caused by QA's requested changes (Note to self: QA know nothing )
* Support for latest emoji in iOS 6 (viewing only) - Input coming soon as I'm rearranging keyboard layouts
* Updated package for QA
* Changed install directory of keyboards
* Updated .desktop, installed copy to /opt; to make QA happy
* Improved KBD consitency
* Fixed issue with Changelog when packaging
* Initial release

Harmoji is currently pending Store QA. It will be Free for as long as the Store is open.

Update: So I've gotten annoyed at QA. For now, you can get it from N9-Apps, and a part of N9 QuickTweak. I will let you guys know when QA pull their thumb out.

Update 2: Harmoji passed QA. Here it is

All feedback and criticism is welcomed and encouraged.

Special Thanks: Knobtviker (Dev help), @AliQudsi, TMavica (tester), Arie, AndyHagon, @SpunkyBloke (tester), zvjer (tester), Trayhoper (tester), Flopjoke (Font) and Brkn (OSX ML Support )
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Hit thanks if I have helped in some way, or you agree with me

Battery Widget
Harmoji - Emoji for Harmattan

N9 [Black] - Sailfish OS (1.x.x.xx)
N9 [White] - PR 1.3 [Stock]
N950 - Sailfish OS
Z10 LE -
Dev Alpha C -

Last edited by MFaroTusino; 2012-10-21 at 04:04.

The Following 66 Users Say Thank You to MFaroTusino For This Useful Post:
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Hope to try it soon
If i helped you,please kiss the Thanks Button
Thank you

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sifo's Avatar
Posts: 1,359 | Thanked: 1,292 times | Joined on Oct 2011 @ Tartus.Syria
They look cool, do you mind porting it to fremantle ? or it is impossible ?
[ N900-Crack ] [ The Purge ] [ New Smiles ] [ New icons ] [ ? ]
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i cant see download link, @_@
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Originally Posted by ibrakalifa View Post
i cant see download link, @_@
Harmoji is currently pending Store QA. It will be Free for as long as the Store is open.

We'll have to wait some while more
Posts: 233 | Thanked: 491 times | Joined on Oct 2011 @ Sydney
Originally Posted by thedead1440 View Post
We'll have to wait some while more
Shouldn't be too long, although, I have an updated version, so I may push that quickly today, not sure. If I push it today, just means you may need to wait longer :/
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Hit thanks if I have helped in some way, or you agree with me

Battery Widget
Harmoji - Emoji for Harmattan

N9 [Black] - Sailfish OS (1.x.x.xx)
N9 [White] - PR 1.3 [Stock]
N950 - Sailfish OS
Z10 LE -
Dev Alpha C -

The Following User Says Thank You to MFaroTusino For This Useful Post:
Posts: 233 | Thanked: 491 times | Joined on Oct 2011 @ Sydney
Originally Posted by sifo View Post
They look cool, do you mind porting it to fremantle ? or it is impossible ?
I don't have an N900 ( I know, depressing ) but I don't think it would be too hard, as long as KBD can be customised. PM ME
Blogs I post to

Hit thanks if I have helped in some way, or you agree with me

Battery Widget
Harmoji - Emoji for Harmattan

N9 [Black] - Sailfish OS (1.x.x.xx)
N9 [White] - PR 1.3 [Stock]
N950 - Sailfish OS
Z10 LE -
Dev Alpha C -

The Following User Says Thank You to MFaroTusino For This Useful Post:
Posts: 4 | Thanked: 5 times | Joined on May 2012 @ Riyadh, KSA
Thanks Michael for the mention, awaiting it in the store now
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I've discovered this when trying to fix emoji displaying in notifications for Wazapp.
Final result was that it was enabled system wide.

Thanks to all the testers, big thanks to Michael for making keyboards, packaging and publishing.

Special thanks to Flopjoke and Brkn that have worked relentless on making and baking the font in early stages with me.

Technical answers:

Only Apple has colored emojis because they used a special Unicode6.1 font embedding PNGs and preparing OS for it.

Harmattan system apps can display only black and white.
3rd party apps will have an API to use if they wish to use PNGs in color. Their apps will just work without any change with black and white. I've tested with most of popular apps.

Porting to Freamantle could be possible of someone reports back of the OS uses Fontconfig.

Maliit doesn't support PNG in keys. Askes the dev, he says it's interesting and will consider it.

For every other question please approach Michael.
I just hack stuff when we need them.

The Following 13 Users Say Thank You to knobtviker For This Useful Post:
Posts: 299 | Thanked: 557 times | Joined on Aug 2012
Thank you Michael for the application as well as mentioning me. Can't wait to get the final release.

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