
Poll: N900 - Movie/Media Player: KMPlayer or SiB ? (To use as GUI for MPlayer)
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N900 - Movie/Media Player: KMPlayer or SiB ? (To use as GUI for MPlayer)

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F2thaK's Avatar
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N900 - Movie/Media Player:

Which is the better GUI for MPlayer:
KMPlayer or SiB ?

If you dont prefer any of these including MPlayer, please choose "Other"

Last edited by F2thaK; 2010-01-13 at 16:30.
b666m's Avatar
Posts: 1,090 | Thanked: 476 times | Joined on Jan 2010 @ Ingolstadt, Germany
kmplayer and sib are only guis for mplayer. so the actual player is mplayer.
(and imho mplayer is the best video player for the n900 out now)

but if you're asking which gui is better - i would say sib ftw
in my case it uses way less ressources than kmplayer.
it's not that pretty - but what counts for me is performance.

Last edited by b666m; 2010-01-13 at 16:32.
Bec's Avatar
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Whichever is the first to bring a real GUI to mplayer.

Last edited by Bec; 2010-01-14 at 20:06.
Posts: 143 | Thanked: 205 times | Joined on Apr 2008
Originally Posted by b666m View Post
but if you're asking which gui is better - i would say sib ftw
in my case it uses way less ressources than kmplayer.
On what did you base that? SIB is based on Qt, no? KMPlayer is based on Gtk, so all the libraries for the UI is shared with all the fremantle pre-installed applications and windowing system.
The playlist entries in kmplayer takes, other then the the URL and title text, only 70bytes each. The strings itself are stored in memory in Utf8 encoding (Qt uses Utf16 encoding). So unless you long titles in a non-latin language, these strings takes up less memory too.
KMPlayer starts up within a second without using a screenshot trick.
So IMO KMPlayer doesn't use much resources at all.
cddiede's Avatar
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SIB feels like a much less cluttered interface then KMPlayer and movies played from SIB automatically open in their own full screen window while KMPlayer shows movies in a small preview window that must be click to get full screen.
b666m's Avatar
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SiB is the one for mplayer.
Kmplayer is great for the osso-player (gstreamer) if it doesn't recognize the file-type (like mkv or m4v) but is able to play it through extra decoders support.
but after all it's just a question of your own taste which app suits you better.
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Where can I download SiB?
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Originally Posted by davetech View Post
Where can I download SiB?
From the application manager. You may need to add extras-testing and extras-devel repositories if you haven't done so already.
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I prefer the keyboard interface built into mplayer
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Originally Posted by j.s View Post
I prefer the keyboard interface built into mplayer
SiB is not a player. It's a file selection gui for the mplayer.
It basically launches mplayer for you without you going into xterminal.

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