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Today, i wanted to install the man-db(-n900) package, but it interrupted, because rootfs got filled, so there was no space left.

apt-get remove man-db
didn't work, because he said, that it's not installed.
apt-get remove man-db-n900
did work, but there is still 0B left.

After that, i tried autoremove, clean and rebootet it several times.. 0B left..

Disabling the extra-devels and extra-testing didn't change anything either.

I also tried to find all new files and directories with (in /)
find -n name man
find -n name man-db
and deleted most of them.

I also tried to find all new/changed files/directories with
ls -1 -a -l | grep 'Nov 27'
but i didn't find the problem..

So, i guess, there is sill something, which tries to write all the time to rootfs and everytime, there are some Bytes left, they get filled immediately..

Do you have another idea?
Or does anybody of you know, which directories are in rootfs?
i think, /opt and /home/user arent, are they?

Thank you for your help.
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/home is not on the rootfs, and /opt is mounted on /home/opt so it isn't either. Neither is MyDocs which is on a different partition.

Maybe you can find more info on the wiki

The rootfs is compressed so deleting a 1Mb file will free <1Mb (not exactly relevant but it may save you some frustration to know that)

You probably can use du to check out which folder takes up the most space, and track down the culprit.

I also remember that the UbiFs (the filesystem on the rootfs) is somewhat strange, I don't however remember in what manner.
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Thank you for the answer and the tip with the "du"-command.
I've removed all the language-files i'm sure i'll never use in "/usr/share/locale/" and have now 8 MB of free rootfs.
I think, that's enough for the next days until i find some time to flash the device.

Nevertheless, i think, there are some "man"-files (files, that were copied to the device while installing "man-db") left, because after removing all the related files i found and disabling some repositories, rootfs was still completely full..

The next time, rootfs gets full, i think, i have to remove gcc (40.4 MB)..
Does anybody know, if there is a "optified" version of the "build-essential"-package?
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Hm, removing locale files might bork your system, if you do not know exactly what you are doing, because some locale and settings depend from another locale.
You might rather move gcc, kernel-headers or build-essential.
You could use du command with sort and tail to get the biggest space wasters
du -kx | sort -n | tail -n 50
Please note that the -x and -k options are not supported by every version of busybox.

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FWIW, you can get a list of any installed package contents with dpkg with it's package name, like this:

dpkg -L man-db-n900
I have this on my device, so I can see the list. Most of the used space taken by the package is in /usr/lib/man-db. After filtering out the cruft, the relevant installed files/folders are:

Once you have some space, you may also want to clear your apt cache.

Edit: FWIW, man-db-n900 is already optified. Most of it's space-using "content" comes from the co-required package man-db-pages, which is entirely in /opt/man.
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Last edited by woody14619; 2012-11-27 at 21:30.

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I have to admit, you're the most polite and helpful community i know, even more polite than r/trees.
The only file of the man-db-n900-package, that is still on my n900, is the config-file and that's okay.

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If you're hurting for space on root, there are lots of ways to move some of the "fluff" content (themes, locale, and such) off the root area to give you a bit more space. Most of that can be found on the wiki.
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Originally Posted by nearlyNERD View Post
I have to admit, you're the most polite and helpful community i know, even more polite than r/trees.
The only file of the man-db-n900-package, that is still on my n900, is the config-file and that's okay.

apt-get purge <package>
that will remove _everything_ including configurations.

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