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Posts: 646 | Thanked: 1,124 times | Joined on Jul 2010 @ Espoo, Finland
I have a problem with Firefox/Fennec on N9 (PR1.3), version is latest 14.0:
if I type some word on the bar then I use the 'Search with Google' applet, all I get is a "Error 502" from Google, at any time, with any connection, searching any word.
The interesting thing is that if instead from fennec I open a google main page and from there I do the search, everything works fine.
Also any other network access from the device is looking ok.
With F 12.0 the applet worked ok. I don't remember if I ran any successful search with F 14.0, but on the other side, a friends' N950 with F14.0 is fine.

Any idea where to look for to track the issue?
Posts: 466 | Thanked: 418 times | Joined on Jan 2010

Error 502 is bad gateway. I'd check to see if you have a proxy going in your Firefox settings, or some other odd configuration.

You may also want to dig around in "about:config" or maybe even rename your ~/.mozilla directory and see if that fixes it.

In terminal;
mv ~/.mozilla ~/.mozilla-old
You'll want to do this while Firefox is closed.
I have figured out the reason 'smartphones' were invented. They are for reading the internet while pooping. This means the best smartphone ever created is the N9. It is the only one that works so well single-handed.

The Following User Says Thank You to slaapliedje For This Useful Post:
Posts: 175 | Thanked: 81 times | Joined on Aug 2009
I have exactly same problem with Firefox 14 Beta and now with Firefox 14 running Phony extension.

Google search works with default user Agent but not with desktop Firefox, Android (phone and tablet) or iPhone/iPad.

So I use Yahoo instead.....

The Following User Says Thank You to Wallace For This Useful Post:
Posts: 646 | Thanked: 1,124 times | Joined on Jul 2010 @ Espoo, Finland
Thanks to both.
Indeed, if I start my configuration fresh with
mv ~/.mozilla ~/.mozilla-old
things work again, but if I then install Phony addon and I change the User Agent to something other than default, I get the '502 error' again.

I'll try to use set a private proxy to sniff all network traffic and see what's happening, and hopefully report something useful here.
Posts: 1 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Jun 2018
The 502 Bad Gateway Error is an indication that something has gone wrong within the server of your application, as opposed to the client side request.

How to Fix a 502 Error

Perform a hard-refresh in your browser. On Macs, this is done by pressing Cmd + Shift + R.

This problem is due to poor IP communication between back-end computers, possibly including the Web server at the site you are trying to visit. Before analysing this problem, you should clear your browser cache completely.

If you get this problem for only some of the Web sites you try to visit then it is likely to be a problem at those sites i.e. one of their pieces of equipment is failing/overloaded. Contact the people at those sites.

If you are surfing the Web and see this problem for all Web sites you try to visit, then either 1) your ISP has a major equipment failure/overload or 2) there is something wrong with your internal Internet connection e.g. your firewall is not functioning correctly. In the first case, only your ISP can help you. In the second case, you need to fix whatever it is that is preventing you reaching the Internet.

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