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Stskeeps's Avatar
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Since there still seems to be some representation of N800 and N810 users on the forums as they haven't been scared away completely by the horde of N900 users..

I'm personally wondering what you would like to see happen on OS and community side for your devices. If you're still interested in contributing or just hoping for things to happen, please pitch in, let everyone know you are still here and let's see what projects we can start up.

Please use this form:

* I have a (N800 or N810 or N810W)

* I'm interested to see and use (fill in) on my device

* I'm willing to contribute with (finish the sentence)

* If (fill in) would happen, I would then be able to do (fill in)

For me personally:

* I have a N800 and a N810
* I'm interested to see the community SSU happening and Qt4.6 on my N800 & N810.
* I'm willing to contribute with (rather, I have to): Mer which is much closer in nature to Maemo5 architecture and has a lo-fi desktop and other things I can do as distmaster.
* If this would happen, I would hope we can get permission to recompile some closed source parts of Maemo5 and get it on our N8x0's.
As you go on to other communities, remember to build them around politeness, respect, trust and humility. Be wary of poisonous people and deal with them before they end up killing your community.. Seen it happen to too many IRC channels, forums, open source projects.

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Posts: 3,428 | Thanked: 2,856 times | Joined on Jul 2008
I have an N810
I also would like to see Mer fully functional
I'm willing to contribute however I'm needed. I can code, test, cross-compile, whatever.
Hopefully, Mer can be done in such a way that newer N900 apps could be run on these older devices with a simple re-compile (due to CPU, no way around this I don't think.) -- Maybe, one day, we might be able to automate something to traverse the Fremantle/Hermattan repo's and automatically cross-compile software for mer... I know - I'm dreaming

I personally plan to be upgrading to an N900.. so it won't benefit me too terribly... but I am more than willing to help if I'm needed keep these devices useful for their Fans.
If I've helped you or you use any of my packages feel free to help me out.
pyRadio - Pandora Radio on your N900, N810 or N800!

The Following 6 Users Say Thank You to fatalsaint For This Useful Post:
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Definately! There is plenty of life in the old dog yet. :-)

* I have an N800.

* I'm interested to see and use the community SSU and accelerated graphics drivers on my device.

* I'm willing to contribute in any way I am able, which may be very limited.

* I want to keep the N8x0 platform alive for as long as possible.

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hordeman's Avatar
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Please use this form:

* I have an N810

* I'm interested to see a fully functional version of Mer running on it which would undoubtably add YEEEAAAARSSSS of life to the device

* I'm willing to contribute with testing Mer (when it can co-exist with Diablo)

* If this could would happen, I would then be able to do this as soon as I'm able to

Also, I would like to point you to this thread to show that we N800/ N810 owners are alive and well on this board and have not been scared off:

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Posts: 33 | Thanked: 29 times | Joined on Aug 2008 @ Netherlands
* I have an N800
* I am interested in mer and more games
* I would like to help with this mer thing but I fear the time needed to get up to speed with it is too much for me
Posts: 1,213 | Thanked: 356 times | Joined on Jan 2008 @ California and Virginia
* I have a N810

* I'm interested to see and use everything possible on my device

* I'm willing to contribute with testing (Android or Mer)

* If Mer would happen, I would then be able to do run n900 apps!
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The Following User Says Thank You to Thesandlord For This Useful Post:
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I have an N810 and an N800, and a 770 in a drawer.

I am interested in seeing the community SSU released, also to see Mer bring added value to the N8x0s in terms of new and improved apps and features such as improved A2DP, and AVRCP etc., not to mention a/the panaramic desktop.

I would like to see a image app similar to Maemo5's which allows for tagging, editing, and then uploading to sites such as twitter, facebook, picasa, flickr etc. If Nokia permitted, or compiled themselves, the maemo5 app for Maemo4, or Mer, then that would be great. I would also like to see the new media player backported to either Mer or Maemo4.

Also the recent announcement of Wayfinder abandoning the Map app for Maemo4 is very disappointing. It would be cool if the licences could be opened for it. Or for the community to get behind an alternative like Navit. I have a wayfinder licence valid for another year, but am playing with Navit as a possible alternative.

I am willing to assist with testing of said SSU, Mer or anything else. I have been installing the testing builds of mer on my N800 as they have been released, and will happily continue to do so. as I have 2 NITs I can dedicate one for testing and experimentation. also spend a lot of time lurking here so can report back. I could never lay claim to being a coder, but am an avid tinkerer, and could knock up a scratchbox env and compile if required.

So far there does not seem to be a lot that Maemo 5 can currently do which the N8x0s would not be capable of apart from the phone stuff.

I absolutely love the N810, and consider it the highpoint so far of the tablets in terms of hardware . Yes the 900 is faster, and has a phone, but has a smaller screen, and worse physical keyboard. It is a shame, and almost a crime that Nokia did not bring more updates to the platform. the A2DP shows that the tablet can handle it, (better tham my s60 phone which supports it officially). updating of media player, the image app, and IM/email should all have been carried out, and would could keep the N8x0 alive and current for a lot longer.

sorry to go on...

Last edited by gazza_d; 2010-02-14 at 20:06.

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luca's Avatar
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* I have an n800
* I'm interested in a usable mer as a way to tap into the huge debian/ubuntu repository, and as a mean to use some fremantle/qt apps, not interested at all in 3d desktop effects and snazzy animations.
* I can contribute with testing
* I don't have an answer for the last question

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Posts: 122 | Thanked: 84 times | Joined on Mar 2009
* I have a N810.

* I'm interested to see and use a finger-friendly, portrait-style keyboard on my device (so that mobile optimized websites, such as those for the iPod touch could be used).

* I'm willing to contribute with any graphics necessary (for the keyboard keys, icon, etc).

* If Nokia would open up more of the operating system, I would then be able to expect that it would be possible for such a keyboard to exist.

The Following User Says Thank You to elimoon8 For This Useful Post:
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I have, I use daily a N810
I'm definitely interested in seeing the life of this product extended be it via community SSU, Mer w/ 3D drivers with Tear as the default browser.
I can offer my services to graphics, but as a Flash/Flex dev mostly, as well as .NET, my ability to help code-wise is limited. I am, however a 17 year user of Photoshop.

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