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kapu2's Avatar
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It's almost been a year since I bought my N9, and I'm starting to get that itch to upgrade. Always seems to happen around a year. Before the N9, I had a Symbian-running Nokia 700, and before that feature phones. So the whopping two smartphones I've owned in my lifetime have run dead OSes. Not that I mind; the N9 is exceptional and the 700 was very capable. But I can't lie, I would really like to own a modern smartphone for the speed. My sister's Moto G is so zippy...while I have no interest in Android, I really do admire how snappy that phone is.

I was browsing Amazon and saw how cheap the new Blackberry 10 flagships have gone - $240 for a new Z10!? I paid more for a new N9 two years after it went on sale!! I can more than afford that. I watched a few videos on the BB10 OS back when it first debuted - watched a few video reviews on the devices last night, and I'm feeling like BB10 might be a nice upgrade from the N9 and Harmattan.

So then I wondered if there was anyone here on the forums who has used both Harmattan and BB10, and how they felt about BB10 in comparison to Harmattan? Hopefully some of you folks can shed some light on it for me.
wow23's Avatar
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i wasn't an owner of n9 but used it couple of times. now i'm owner of q10.

before i had n900/n8/lumia710/720/nexus4 and i have to say that i like q10 and bb10, it's fast, fluid (with native apps), it's getting updates, there are some devs from symbian/n9 who have ported their qt apps to bb10, so i think it's great idea for you to buy device like this after your n9.

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Kangal's Avatar
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The BBX was pretty good for a phone, and it still holds its own today.

With that said, if you wanted to compare the Moto G and the Z10... they're very even phones!

The G has the same screen but slightly larger at 4.5inch, its noticeably thicker, feels cheaper, has a worse camera, but a larger battery.
The Moto G has a more modern/efficient cpu, but slow and limited to 1GB RAM.
Whereas the BB has more performance and double the RAM.

I still believe that 1GB RAM is enough for mobile devices (if they weren't too bloated !!). And that everything should be crammed into one chip, like what Qualcomm is slowly going for.

And that a Dual-Core approach is best for mobile computing (phones, tablets, laptops) because it increases performance without increasing much power demand. Quadcore is less efficient due to restraints by the OS and the written nature of most programs. #rant)

Yet, Moto G is more user friendly, has a great ecosystem, has all those Apps you want.
BBX lacks many apps, but they can be stolen/pirated and sideloaded (and with a bit of luck) should run *okay* on BBX. However, the performance is lackluster because its emulating an older API level and won't run everything properly or launch it at all.

With that said, the ResearchInMotion Blackberry Z10 runs the BBX OS. Its built on QNX which resembles Mobile Linux/Linux closely but are otherwise unrelated. Its very good.
Think of the iPhone or Windows Phone or N9 level of software performance.... buttery smooth but very powerful.

On the other hand, the Moto G runs the tried and tested Android OS. In fact, it runs it pretty efficiently shaming some flagships out there, still is no match for QNX inside the BB.

....well there you have it.
Originally Posted by mscion View Post
I vote that Kangal replace Elop!
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I'm flattered

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anidel's Avatar
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You won't be disappointed. I personally believe that BB10 is a great OS if not one of the best out there right now.

The Z10 I have never failed to slow down and the UI is one of the most fluid one I have ever seen. Is also one of the few OSes out there to support multitasking in its proper form.

Issue is BlackBerry itself. They are heavily, understandably, focused on enterprise customers.
Still I enjoy using BB10 A LOT after having used all Maemo devices and MeeGo ones and the Jolla now.

Only gripe I have, is the battery, but that's a removable one, so that's an easy to solve problem.

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rm42's Avatar
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Do you use Documents To Go on the Z10? How do you like it? Was it included on the device or does one have to pay for it separately?
-- Worse than not knowing is not wanting to know! --
akira.pwr's Avatar
Posts: 115 | Thanked: 72 times | Joined on Feb 2011 @ Vicenza, Italy
I have a BB Z10, even if it's not a new device it's very good, with latest FW it's simply awesome.
panjgoori's Avatar
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i have Z10 and I one thing i'm 100% sure that BB10 won't disappoint you. and regular update is another thing to choose BB10 over other phones.

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Kangal's Avatar
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Yeah, I agree.

The PlayBook was pretty much DOA compared to the iPad 2 and Android tablets with ICS.....but its a beast, and it only got better with the updates!
Originally Posted by mscion View Post
I vote that Kangal replace Elop!
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I'm flattered
Posts: 1,163 | Thanked: 1,873 times | Joined on Feb 2011 @ The Netherlands
Does blackberry still have that silly blackberry internet plan, or whatever it was which made you to pay $ for having your internet functional. Just wondering. Never bothered to investigate that and not interested enough to look it up myself :P
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panjgoori's Avatar
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Originally Posted by mr_pingu View Post
Does blackberry still have that silly blackberry internet plan, or whatever it was which made you to pay $ for having your internet functional. Just wondering. Never bothered to investigate that and not interested enough to look it up myself :P
no not with BB10. with BB10 you can use your regular cellular internet connection. no BB specific internet plan is needed.

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