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Posts: 163 | Thanked: 279 times | Joined on Feb 2017 @ Tbilisi, Georgia (caucasus)
Originally Posted by lantern View Post
Russians have already written code for Sailfish RU, some of which is probably ported upstream to the SF core code. So you should run away.

PS To be fair, you should also mention that If it wasn't for Russia, there would be no Georgia today, it would be a Turkey or Iran territory.
And you think you are right? In USSR russia forbid us to talk in Georgian! In schools they forced us to study in russian. Then when USSR was destroyed they started war with those countries. That country has occupied 25% of my country. Abkhazia and samachablo are Georgia! I was born in Abkhazia, sokhumi. My parents and grandparents and so on lived there. Russia came and killed many people 300 000 became refugees. Then in 2008 they came in Samachablo and 140 000 people became refugees from there too. They day by day move so called border deep in Georgia. Russia is occupant. You and other russians better open your eyes! You are blinded by YOUR GOVERNMENT, BY PUTIN. Also Russia had war with ukraine. Killed many people there too. Occupied big territories. Just think about this. What do russians whant, why they fight with EVERYONE instead of being good neigbour?

I already left Sailfish sold my nexus 4 and 5 and went to ubuntu phone. They already attacked us and broke our cybersecurity i do not want russia to control my internet life via Sailfish phone. I stopped helping anyone in Georgia to install Sfos. Instead i am explaining to them why they should not be using it!

P.S. sorry but i had to answer so people can read what REALLY happend in Georgia. Because russian propaganda is big enough to cover real resons!

Last edited by jalyst; 2018-09-27 at 09:52.
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I totally understand your stance toward Russia, I have visited Georgia myself, have been at the border Russia has set and talked with local people.

You are talking about software here!
Not everyone living in a country shares the opinions of the leadership, code upstreamed has additionally been checked by other people, code usually is as apolitical as it can get, so please don't condemn all the people who worked on Sailfish, people from all over the world, Finland, Russia, Germany, probably also Georgia just because of the actions of the government in one of those countries.
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Originally Posted by matemana View Post
And you think you are right? In USSR russia forbid us to talk in Georgian! In schools they forced us to study in russian. Then when USSR was destroyed they started war with those countries. That country has occupied 25% of my country. Abkhazia and samachablo are Georgia! I was born in Abkhazia, sokhumi. My parents and grandparents and so on lived there. Russia came and killed many people 300 000 became refugees. Then in 2008 they came in Samachablo and 140 000 people became refugees from there too. They day by day move so called border deep in Georgia. Russia is occupant. You and other russians better open your eyes! You are blinded by YOUR GOVERNMENT, BY PUTIN. Also Russia had war with ukraine. Killed many people there too. Occupied big territories. Just think about this. What do russians whant, why they fight with EVERYONE instead of being good neigbour?

I already left Sailfish sold my nexus 4 and 5 and went to ubuntu phone. They already attacked us and broke our cybersecurity i do not want russia to control my internet life via Sailfish phone. I stopped helping anyone in Georgia to install Sfos. Instead i am explaining to them why they should not be using it!

P.S. sorry but i had to answer so people can read what REALLY happend in Georgia. Because russian propaganda is big enough to cover real resons!
Sounds that you believe all the propaganda that USA made in your country, and the region... Also over the world... About the "evil" of USSR and todays Russia.
About USSR... It's very complex, as your talking about forbid Georgian language, also you have to know that was for a period of time in the USSR, and not also just in Georgia because Russians hates Georgians... No... Was over all the country, as they wanted to create a Russian identify and unite all the different people from the country... Of course was bad idea and then they given more rights for using their languages and so on...
You said they started wars with the former USSR countries, wtf?? You know what the former president of Georgia did to happen the invasion of your country? You forgot that?
Russia fights with everyone? So you're so blind... Your lovely friend USA is who is making war everywhere for the "democracy", for the "human rights", and you see how countries that don't care those things as Saudi Arabia and others, are "friends" of USA and USA is not "fighting" there for "democracy" and "human rights"

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Originally Posted by meloferz View Post
Sounds that you believe all the propaganda that USA made in your country, and the region.
Are you saying that you, from the other side of the world, have a better view of the situation than someone who lives right in the centre of it? Interesting...

As someone who was born and grew up in a country that was, at least nominally, not part of the USSR but was de facto a Russian colony nevertheless, I can with full confidence say that my experience matches matemana's almost to the last word. In addition, my spouse has close ties to Russia and affiliated regions and can also confirm the amount of propaganda, aggression and destabilization the country is well known for.

So I would advice extreme caution before getting embroidered with the Russian government.

I can understand that things may look different to the Russians themselves, who may feel offended by things being said here. I am sure a schoolyard bully would also feel offended when being accused of bullying. After all, he is "only having a bit of fun", right? Especially when being told all his life that whatever he does is fantastic and absolutely justified and everyone else is against him.

The answer is, as always, try to put yourself to the other side's place before you make any judgement.
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Can someone movie this thread to Putin Os thread?
Do something for the climate today! Anything!

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Empires regardless of which it is...
Regions and countries however big or small as well...
Have done great and small evils to their neighbours, their own minorities, and indigenous populations..
and always it is the will of the voting public that allowed those in power to do as they wished.
since the dawn of civilisation.

it is a simple situation ...

and it is a complex situation..
since isn't everyone in a society condoning this behaviour..
there are always a small or large percentage of the population who speak and act out...against the tyranny of their own government...
usually these people suffer badly at the hands of their country.

the amazing part is that the horrible people in power try so hard for so long to hide the truth of their evil actions, or try to gloss over the history books, or convince everyone of the good they are doing.
When in the end...even if it takes hundreds and hundreds of years...the truth will come out.

the problem is, with our technology now, it is getting easier to disseminate lies, fake news and falsehood.
and on the same token it is getting easier to spread the facts and truth via video, audio and photo...and it is getting easier to mobilise the average person and protest.

This is good in all the regards that count.
and it is not good also...since it puts those who have the control on edge..
and so they attempt to undermine this using fake news, trying to cyberattack platforms, and try to undermine the legitimacy of this power of the people.
“There are no front lines – the war is total – and there is no neutrality.”
the war over the minds of the population of this world is underway.
and ultimately I trust no government now. not even my own.
It isn't paranoia or some far right or far left belief..
or lack of faith or feeling let down..

it is that I can trust my own government only so far...
and then I know agendas and motivations begin, that the Canadian population has not been informed about, that become implemented , that I cannot support.
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Last edited by endsormeans; 2018-09-27 at 15:42.

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