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I am trying to use the DBus QML interface

to monitor the cellular signal levels etc, using these apis:

I can get signals from ofono.NetworkRegistration OK, but I can't work out how to use "getProperty" and "call" .
In the example below in "function xx" they both return "undefined"

or how to connect to "servingCellInformationChanged" of the ofono.NetworkMonitorAgent, (which doesn't seem to have any signals.)

In this case

import QtQuick 2.0
import org.nemomobile.dbus 2.0

Item {
    id: dBusX
    property string cellName:""
    property string cellStatus: ""
    property int dBmStrength: 0
    property int rawStrength: 0
    property string technology: ""
    property int cellStrength: 0

    function xx(){
        var R=ooNR.getProperty('Status')


    DBusInterface {
        id: ooNR
        service: 'org.ofono'
        path: '/ril_0'
        iface: 'org.ofono.NetworkRegistration'
        signalsEnabled: true

        function propertyChanged(name, value) {  //on signal...
            //console.log("NR Property Changed "+ name + "  " + value)
            switch (name) {
                case "Strength":
                    rawStrength = value
                    dBmStrength = (value-113)/2 //2 * value - 113;
                case "Name" : cellName = value; break;
                case "Technology" : technology = value; break;
                case "Status" : cellStatus = value; break;

                default: console.log("NR Property Changed "+ name + "  " + value)
    DBusInterface {
        id: ooNM
        service: 'org.ofono'
        path: '/ril_0'
        iface: 'org.ofono.NetworkMonitor'
        signalsEnabled: true
    DBusInterface {
        id: ooNMA
        service: 'org.ofono'
        path: '/ril_0'
        iface: 'org.ofono.NetworkMonitorAgent'
        signalsEnabled: true

//        function servingCellInformationChanged(a) {
//            console.log(a)
//    }

// Error message when below runs is:
// TypeError: Property 'typedCallWithReturn' of object DeclarativeDBusInterface(0x10548530) is not a function
        Component.onCompleted: {
            ooNMA.typedCallWithReturn('ServingCellInformationChanged', [], function (result) {
                // This will be called when the result is available
                console.log('ServingCellInformationChanged: ' + result);


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Posts: 15 | Thanked: 17 times | Joined on Sep 2019
I realised that TypedCallWithReturn has been replaced by TypedCall.

So now I get error message:
[W] unknown:60 - file:///usr/share/CellMon/qml/components/DBus.qml:60:5: QML DBusInterface: QDBusError("org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.UnknownMeth od", "Method \"ServingCellInformationChanged\" with signature \"\" on interface \"org.ofono.NetworkMonitorAgent\" doesn't exist\n")
Component.onCompleted: {
               function (result) {                  console.log('ServingCellInformationChanged: ' + result);                    }             );
I still don't know if "ServingCellInformationChanged" is to setup a callback , as above. OR is it supposed to be signal type function that will just be called if it is provided?

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coderus's Avatar
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for ofono you can use corresponding qml bindings insead of direct dbus calls
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The Following User Says Thank You to coderus For This Useful Post:
Posts: 15 | Thanked: 17 times | Joined on Sep 2019
Originally Posted by coderus View Post
for ofono you can use corresponding qml bindings insead of direct dbus calls
I found this:

Do you have any idea if this is just calling the dbus, or does it directly access the ofono libs some other way?

I see NetworkMonitor doesn't appear to be in there, which I am using.

I have typedcalls working now, but I have not worked out a way to get callbacks/events/signals from NetworkMonitor, and I am left doing timer polling of getServingNetworkProperties.

There is a NetworkMonitorAgent , but does not seem to be in dbus on sfos. There is a call to RegisterAgent in NetworkMonitor, but I cannot see what to do with it.

Last edited by crun; 2021-06-22 at 06:02.

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