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Has anyone had success in running Gwibber on Chinook/OS2008? Gwibber is a client that can interface with most of the popular microblogging services(i.e. Twitter, Pownce, Jaiku, etc.).

I can get it to run, but when it runs it never updates and after a few seconds will invariably get the dreaded "application not responding" dialog box.

I searched for more info on the forums but there was only one other mention of Gwibber. I apologize if this should be in the troubleshooting forum, but it looked like those threads were for hardware troubleshooting not for software issues.

Thanks in advance.
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I've packaged a separate twitter client for os2008. :/

How are you installing this?
Posts: 4 | Thanked: 2 times | Joined on May 2008
It is a python app. So I did the whole red pill mode/get_root thing. Then I did
python install
as per the instructions on the wiki.

It does _run_ but it doesn't work. I was just curious to know if anyone else has tried using it. I use it as my desktop client because I have a handful of friends that only use pownce, or only use twitter.

I like being able to write once, post everywhere.
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Seems like you have had better luck than me, I compiled latest trunk and put it into a deb and it says no module called simplejson
Posts: 4 | Thanked: 2 times | Joined on May 2008
Yeah I had to install the json lib for python and correct an import line to get it to run.

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