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I have a server streaming music and movies via Subsonic. Suffice it to say that it works through gstreamer, and all i do is download a .m3u file to play from. i can play music fine, but movies are failing. the player that is the default for opening these m3u files cannot play the movies, whereas mplayer and even vlc can. any idea on how to change the way I make the tablet open these files?
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bump. just need to know how to change file type association.
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just make sure that you have an xref for m3u and that it points to mplayer or mplayer-playlist handler
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Alright, maybe not. I can't seem to get it working. I have changed the xref to map to mplay, and mplayer-playlist, and it still tries to open my m3u files with movie player. Another solution would be to get movie player to be able to read avi's. Any help?

Edit: I also double tapped the video/x-msvideo and it changed to dbus

Last edited by Clockwork; 2009-03-11 at 00:11.
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hmm it seems the m3u file is detected as audio/x-mpegurl when i view details of an m3u link from web browser.

So i enabled that mime type in defaults and it routed to the default xref handler for that type 'xmms' ... the sample was audio stream so it worked fine but you could route to mplayer or mplayer-playlist and see if that works

Also, to share my torment with others... the abominal test m3u i found is the live-hi link on this webpage :

Last edited by pipeline; 2009-03-11 at 01:27.

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Posts: 33 | Thanked: 2 times | Joined on Dec 2008 @ USA, Michigan
Alright, it all works beauifully now. Thanks.
Posts: 33 | Thanked: 2 times | Joined on Dec 2008 @ USA, Michigan
In fixing it i broke it. Streaming movies works fine. Streaming music is now broken. When i keep the xref in its current state, it starts playing the music, only it appears mplayer isn't started. The only way i could end it is to delete the process. When i switch the xref back to normal(xmms), says starting xmms, and nothing happens, same for almost all other applications.
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Sorry i missed your second comment and just found it by accident.

Sounds normal for mplayer... it just plays audio with no UI... i dont know of any way you could play audio from the command line and have it show ui.

As for xmms i think it can play pls files so i would think m3u is similar wrapper... could be incorrect param type (like %params2%). Try opening xterm and running and then try to play your stream... when nothing happens check xterm so see detailed log of param types and resulting command to pass to xmms to see if you need another param type.

The default media player would probably do a good job of this too though wouldnt it? If default player is ok you could just deselect the default when you want to play audio and re-enable for video. Or try MediaPlayer xref to transfer to Media Player through dbus-switchboard.

Your situation is slightly trickier than most since you want m3u to be handled by different apps depending on its contents.

Also the toggling on and off of mime types in the defaults tab uses the default nokia handler as an 'undo'... so if you install a custom audio player that associates any mime types, and then have dbus-switchboard override that mime type, then then dbus-switchboard can't toggle back to your other (non-nokia) handler unless you edit it into /usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/dbus_switchboard_gui/defaults.orig (in case gstreamer does this).

Hope that helps... if not let me know
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maybe go via kmplayer rather then straight to mplayer?

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pipeline's Avatar
Posts: 693 | Thanked: 502 times | Joined on Jul 2007
good point, yes that is a good suggestion... i do enjoy xmms' equalizer but kmplayer would also make a good front end with mplayer compatibility.

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