English Bid for Power Final, also known as EBFPF, is a standalone modification based on the popular Anime series Dragonball Z/GT.Although it uses the Quake3 engine, the game is free and does not require Quake 3: Arena or any other files. It contains many new features compared to the original Bid For Power mod. The Mod has over 130 Characters and 55 Maps,each character has his own Attacks like Kamehameha,Final Flash.... and 55 Maps like Cell Arena,Budoukai... and a very easy to use Melee System .
English Bid for Power Final based on id3 tech with some improvements,the Gameplay is based on the popular Mod bid for power http://bidforpower.planetquake.gamespy.com/
Team Animaker is working over 2 Years on EBFPF,the last stable Release is English Bid for Power Final 4.0 (ebfpf40)