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I was evaluating to buy a used N900 but looking specifications on Nokia web site I didn't find information about the FM tuner.
Could you confirm N900 has FM radio tuner and it actually work?

Posts: 840 | Thanked: 823 times | Joined on Nov 2009
It has no support out of the box but an FM Radio app gives it that capability.

Last edited by Cue; 2012-02-09 at 23:32.
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Posts: 528 | Thanked: 345 times | Joined on Aug 2010 @ MLB.AU
yes fm tuner is there you just need to install the free app.. and you can transmit it via fm transmitter and record it and stream it, all at the same time!!
Posts: 567 | Thanked: 2,966 times | Joined on Oct 2009
For FM radio reception you need an app (there are a number in Extras) and you also need to plug in a set of headphones (such as the nokia set that comes with the phone) into the headphone jack to act as an antenna.
Posts: 39 | Thanked: 13 times | Joined on Apr 2008 @ Genoa, Italy
Thanks for your answers but now I read there were some issues with it.


Apparently they are still there, or maybe I'm wrong?
Posts: 102 | Thanked: 140 times | Joined on Sep 2010 @ Israel
Tested it and had no problem - this may have been a problem with the specific radio app they used (back then it was the only one available). I use (and recommend) QRadio.
OR - This may have been a bug that was fixed in the latest revision of the firmware (PR1.3), which is possible because earlier revisions had problems with sound when the device is being locked / unlocked. You may want to consider reflashing to PR1.3 if your phone arrives with an earlier revision (actually this is recommended regardless of the FM radio issue).
And anyway, note that the bug only relates to locking your phone with a code, not the general screen / keys locking to prevent accidental input when the phone's in your pocket.

A few notes that you should note about FM receiver functionality if you plan to use it extensively, though:
  • The FM receiver can only work when wired headphones are connected because it uses them as an antenna. Most (if not all) FM radio apps allow you to play the radio through the loudspeakers but headphones are still required. Note that this is also true for all other Nokia phones and as far as I know all other phones that have FMRX capabilities as well.
  • The hardware that enables the FM receiver is actually part of the Bluetooth chip so unfortunately Bluetooth must be enabled for FMRX to work. Most FM radio apps will turn it on / off automatically for you, but the downside is that it increases battery consumption when in use.
  • There is no direct bypass from the FMRX hardware to the sound system (or more precisely, there is, but it cannot be used since it does not seem to filter high frequency sounds that may damage the speakers) so the sound has to be processed by the CPU. This also increases battery consumption by a degree comparable to MP3 playback. I'm not sure whether this problem is unique to the N900 though.
In short - Yes, the N900 does have FMRX capabilities and if you plan to use it every once in a while then it's a very adequate solution but if you plan on using it extensively then this may not be the ideal product for you.

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Originally Posted by NiQ View Post
Tested it and had no problem - this may have been a problem with the specific radio app they used (back then it was the only one available). I use (and recommend) QRadio.
Use the above only if you don't mind to hear MONO sound.
Otherwise, I'd recommend using C FM radio (available from repos as well). Less convenient to tune it in but the least to stutter when multitasking\locking the screen etc.
Also, keep in mind the FM receiver sits along with the bluetooth on the same chip. It means whenever you turn the radio on - bluetooth will too. DON'T TURN BLUETOOTH OFF as it turns off the radio too. It would turn off automatically though, shortly after you close the app, if wasn't on before.

Last edited by Musta susi; 2012-02-12 at 00:21.

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Originally Posted by stale View Post
I was evaluating to buy a used N900 but looking specifications on Nokia web site I didn't find information about the FM tuner.
Could you confirm N900 has FM radio tuner and it actually work?

I've noticed that people have been having problems with their Nokia N900 not having radio after the PR 1.3 update.
I've managed to get my radio turned back on. Here's how. Please follow the instructions on the following MyNokiaBlog website except
flash the necessary .bin files and Z-Image files at the following associated sites:

Cut and paste into your browser the addresses from where to get the files that will re-enable your N900's built-in radio.

RX-51_2009SE_21.2011.38-1.002_PR_COMBINED_002_ARM.bin from

RX-51_2009SE_10.2010.13-2.VANILLA_PR_EMMC_MR0_ARM.bin from

Download an image to make your N900 faster at 900 mHz -it defaults at 600 mHz. The operative command line is:

flasher-3.5.exe -k zImage-900mhz -f -R

zImage-900mhz from

Install the fmradio.install app from Maemo's Repository after you have flashed the N900 with everything else.

fmradio.install from

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