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Posts: 94 | Thanked: 13 times | Joined on Mar 2011
First, the hardware is capable of h.264 recording in wvga, so it's better than MPEG4, and with a decent bitrate we can have a good camera recording in WVGA.

I'm experimenting with gdigicam-camerabin.conf

i tried some encoding codecs, and h264 isn't working ...
where you find this line, you can find information about video encoding, and if we can modify this correctly,i think will gain better video recording ... i'm not a developer.
Default recording codec
dspmp4venc work ( videobitrate uneditable )
H.263 recording codec
dsph263enc work ( videobitrate uneditable )
H.264 Prefered recording codec, better than MPEG4
dsph264enc not work ( i don't know )
EDIT: Seems to work, but display black screen ( no camcorder crash, but output file unplayable, maybe a missing codec? )
i founded some information, but i don't know if there is any relevant
dsp:  dspjpegenc: DSP video encoder
dsp:  dspmp4venc: DSP MPEG-4 video encoder
dsp:  dsph263enc: DSP video encoder
dsp:  dspvdec: DSP video decoder
dsp:  dspdummy: DSP dummy element
more on this link:

because of the lack of information, I'm trying some codes, but I did not good, or it does not change here.

I say it again, i'm not a developer but i think we can all do something great!

Last edited by rocky333; 2011-05-01 at 18:20. Reason: more information

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i'm still trying... anyone?
Posts: 1,258 | Thanked: 672 times | Joined on Mar 2009
mpeg4 would be better if you're trying to record at higher resolution or higher bitrate on N900.

If you had infinite amounts of processing power, then h264 would of course be better.
laasonen's Avatar
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Originally Posted by shadowjk View Post
mpeg4 would be better if you're trying to record at higher resolution or higher bitrate on N900.

If you had infinite amounts of processing power, then h264 would of course be better.
If quality of the record is not important, wouldn't it be lighter to use mjpeg?
Posts: 94 | Thanked: 13 times | Joined on Mar 2011
the point isn't only the codec, the point is, how the DSP manages the encoding bitrate, and framerate..
atilla's Avatar
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10 threads about video encoding and hd recording??
don't take this as a offense but you should get banned for spamming like a spambot.
i mean its ok and a good thing that someone has still interest in the codecs but 10 threads about the same dream aren't neccessery.
just my 2 cents.....

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YES and i'm sorry, i'm not gona repeat any more this post... just i'm whaiting for a miracle....

but any of these post have any REAL or good answer???

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Better video recording? How about +5 fps and better quality(basically better optics and larger sensor) in dark. MegaPixels are overrated. How about video-cam-app that doesn´t stutter if there is IO load in background!
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