
Poll: Would you like to see a dedicated Snake game for the N900?
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Would you like to see a dedicated Snake game for the N900?

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Posts: 367 | Thanked: 176 times | Joined on Oct 2009
I don't know about you, but a Nokia phone without Snake will always be considered as a fail (or at least a disappointment) for me.

Yes, in my opinion, all of their products (including their tablets, booklets etc.) should have a built-in Snake game, not only to let Snake become their official "mascot" (like Nintendo's Mario), but also to somewhat increase the brand recognization as well.

Now it might be too late to make a built-in dedicated Snake version (which utilizes the N900's processing and graphical powers, like Bounce Evolution), but that doesn't necessary mean that it's too late for a system-selling Snake game for the N900 at all. The future is always open, and such a move would also strengthen Maemo's position as an OS with a wide variety of different programs.

However, as far as I can see (before I continue, I must admit that my knowledge for this system is very limited), there are 3 different possibilities of playing a possible Snake game on the N900 right now, and then I won't count an eventual Symbian emulator or something like that as an option:

1. Web based games. Sure there are some really nice Flash games out there, which obviously can be played successfully by the N900, but there are several reasons why Flash games aren't the ideal solution for Maemo gaming, neither now, nor in the future. However, one nice game that deserves to be mentioned is Neave Snake, which can be found at (it's relatively popular, with daily highscores).

2. Back catalogue or ports. By being a new product with a new OS it doesn't really surprise if it wouldn't have any (good) Snake games availible at launch, and that's why this option would be nice to have. Obviously native games for Maemo 5 is the best long-term solution for the device, but it'd be nice to have the possibility of playing some of the older Snake titles (if there are any, that is) for the previous alterations of the Maemo OS. Another option would be to make a Linux port (if there's a nice game availible for it), since it's supposely easy to port it over to Maemo. Because I'm new to this platform, I can't really boast with any knowlegde of either compatibility or availibilty, but perhaps anyone of you know something about this?

But if someone is considering about making games for Maemo, then a Snake game would be very much appreciated, and it doesn't have to be simple, complexity won't ruin the game.

3. New genuine game developed for Maemo 5. This is obviosly the ideal solution, but it's also the option that requires the most work. This is no more than an idea which would be nice for the N900 to have (considering it's a Nokia phone), please don't consider this as a requirement, because it isn't of course. Anyway, if someone is considering about generally developing games for Maemo, without any concrete ideas, then a Snake game would not only be a nice addition for the Maemo catalogue (you have to admit that an OS should have at least one good Snake game availible), but it'd also be very appreciated by me (not that it matters anyway). A huge advantage would be if the game would use some more complex gameplay (compared with the original Snake, which was a very simple but funny game) in a 3D enviroment, but still at the same time keeping the soul of the original idea (just like Bounce Evolution).

I hope this doesn't come as pressure or something like that, this was just an idea. I happen to like this game quite much, and would really like to play a proper version on the N900. Snake would definitely be a nice addition to the growing Maemo catalogue.

But that's my opinion. What about you? Would you appreciate a good Snake game for Maemo and N900?

Also worth consideration is an eventual Morrowind port, but I won't talk too much about it in this thread. Except another thread shortly.
pokey's Avatar
Posts: 117 | Thanked: 32 times | Joined on Aug 2009 @ New Hampshire, USA
I would recommend posting a bounty for GLTron, or nibbles.
By the time I catch up, You'll all have moved on.

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Originally Posted by c0rt3x View Post
I don't know about you, but a Nokia phone without Snake will always be considered as a fail (or at least a disappointment) for me.
Not sure this omission is so terrible, but fwiw it'd be really cool to have... especially if I can steer the snake by turning the phone
Posts: 835 | Thanked: 772 times | Joined on Oct 2007 @ Finland
Bounce is the new snake, live with it.
bandora's Avatar
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Originally Posted by Kozzi View Post
Bounce is the new snake, live with it.
Lol! But it would be nice too see Snake again.. I used to love snake! Bounce is cool too.. But not so much as the original IMO.. (yes, cool graphics.. but the original bounce has something going it was just awesome)..

Which brings me to this question (off-topic, sorry).. Can someone port the old bounce game onto maemo? hmmm
Mandibela's Avatar
Posts: 270 | Thanked: 195 times | Joined on Aug 2009 @ Finland
I'd like the Snakes Subsonic on the N900. -'official teaser'

Well, I'd settle for the 3310/3330 version too.
andrewfblack's Avatar
Posts: 1,656 | Thanked: 1,196 times | Joined on Apr 2008 @ Alabama, USA
I downloaded this and played it for a basic snake game its cool just put the swf files on your n900 and load from file manager the source is also on the site if someone wants to make it better.
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Just waking up the Snakes thread...wife crazy about the old classic v. 1 one
Posts: 604 | Thanked: 108 times | Joined on Feb 2010 @ Phoenix, WA
I want to add to the notion of surprise w/o snake in our lives!

I mean, Snake is like the timeless Nokia game. I know bounce this bounce that, but,... SNAKE!

It's such a simple game, I hope someone help us get snake-age on our n900s.
Posts: 247 | Thanked: 37 times | Joined on Aug 2009 @ Los Angeles
I like the old standards. Snake, and a Pipes game :-)

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