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merlin1991's Avatar
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I know the stable cssu has been mentioned on the forums about 3 weeks ago, and I'm happy to announce that it's finally here!

So what is the "stable" cssu?
The stable cssu is meant for all those people who didn't want to install the cssu because it happened to break stuff from time to time.
We're trying to achieve an as close to stock maemo experience as possible in terms of stability.

What is in the stable cssu?
The stable cssu contains those packages from testing version 16.8 which were deemed stable. Basically nearly everything but modest/tinymail and the camera-ui replacement.
The exact packages + minor changes to those packages can be found on the changelog page for the stable cssu

What features does the stable cssu support?
Since there are most packages from 16.8 it supports most features 16.8 has, nevertheless there is a dedicated page with all supported features listed:

If you've got cssu-testing installed you most probably don't want stable anyway, if you still want to, a reflash is needed prior to installing cssu-stable.
Any other candidates follow the instructions on

Where did the orientation-lock applet go?
Since several people complained about the orientation-lock taking up space whilst not beeing needed, it can now be installed as a seperate component.

What happened to my transistions.ini?
Since the cssu introduces several new options to the transistions.ini the installer overwrites the existing one, but a backup is kept in /usr/share/hildon-desktop/transistions.ini.precssu

How does the future of the stable cssu look like?
The plan is to incorporate updated packages from testing whenever they seem to have reached a stable status.
Since the dev team can't possible test all cases we rely on the community to give feedback on the releases in testing.
Every friday @ UTC 17:00 I will try to be around #maemo-ssu on to go over the current packages in testing with everyone who is around to voice his opinion.

Where is the source of the stable cssu?
Just like for the testing cssu the source can be found at every component that is in stable has a branch stable which is up to date with the current version in the repo.

We hope that everyone will be pleased with this new branch of the cssu.
"Fog is neither water nor air, it's something between." Merlin

Last edited by merlin1991; 2011-11-26 at 16:00. Reason: title non announcish

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joerg_rw's Avatar
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Originally Posted by merlin1991 View Post
I know the stable cssu has been mentioned on the forums about 3 weeks ago, and I'm happy to announce that it's finally here!
A huge Thank You merlin1991 for bringing this Stable release to us finally!

Now all N900-users may - and are encouraged to actually do - switch to CSSU from maemo stock

Originally Posted by merlin1991 View Post
So what is the "stable" cssu?
The stable cssu is meant for all those people who didn't want to install the cssu because it happened to break stuff from time to time.
We're trying to achieve an as close to stock maemo experience as possible in terms of stability.
I'd like to rephrase that in a more generic way:

CSSU-Stable is a supplementary repository for all users, meant to bring bugfixes to you that Nokia doesn't want to or can't provide. It also brings improvements of core components that can't get published like normal "apps". It keeps maximum compatibility to stock maemo5-fremantle user experience and app API, so it's strongly recommended that every user will "switch to" CSSU-Stable now (except of those who are already on CSSU-Testing ;-D )


PS: CSSU team still in urgent need for additional manpower, esp searching vice-maintainers for both Stable and Testing branch. Contact us on IRC #maemo-ssu
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Last edited by joerg_rw; 2011-11-30 at 18:33.

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Posts: 96 | Thanked: 27 times | Joined on Sep 2011
great work merlin. isnt it possible for an end-user who doesnt want to continue with the cssu testing to be able to switch to the stable version without flashing his n900 device in the future releases.

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Originally Posted by zzzchainzzz View Post
great work merlin. isnt it possible for an end-user who doesnt want to continue with the cssu testing to be able to switch to the stable version without flashing his n900 device in the future releases.
Alas not, the whole installation of CSSU is meant to start from a clean maemo stock, there are no methods to uninstall or switch branches (e.g. camera-ui would need uninstall when switching from T to S) - so it can not work without clean reflash to stock and installing from there. However, I hardly can see a lot of users wanting to move from T to S (and actually it *might* be possible to migrate from S to T as T is supposed to be "just newer" than S)
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The Following 5 Users Say Thank You to joerg_rw For This Useful Post:
Posts: 80 | Thanked: 40 times | Joined on Feb 2010 @ UK
Awesome stuff! Great to see a CSSU Stable at last! At least no-one can accuse the (most excellent) people involved of rushing it! :-D

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Originally Posted by merlin1991 View Post
I'm happy to announce that it's finally here!

The stable cssu is meant for all those people who didn't want to install the cssu
[testing version]

... Thank you to you and the rest of the CSSU team. Might it be an idea to put the installer on OVI for those who don't frequent these fora? So they can make the most of their devices and perhaps a few will involve themselves in the community in due course. Just an idea.

Originally Posted by joerg_rw View Post
Alas not, the whole installation of CSSU is meant to start from a clean maemo stock, [...] - so it can not work without clean reflash to stock and installing from there.
So if one uninstalls the CSSU_T, it won't reset the OS to a state where the CSSU_S could be installed? Why - don't all the components get removed?

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Originally Posted by demolition View Post
[testing version]

... Thank you to you and the rest of the CSSU team. Might it be an idea to put the installer on OVI for those who don't frequent these fora? So they can make the most of their devices and perhaps a few will involve themselves in the community in due course. Just an idea.

So if one uninstalls the CSSU_T, it won't reset the OS to a state where the CSSU_S could be installed? Why - don't all the components get removed?
AFAIK, the Ovi Store doesn't allow packages that change system components, which is the whole point of the CSSU.

As for uninstalling all components in the CSSU, that would leave your system in an unbootable state.

Theoretically, you can "uninstall" the CSSU by downgrading all packages to the stock versions and reintalling the stock meta package, however, there's no complete list of all package versions.

Anyway, good job merlin1991!

The Following 4 Users Say Thank You to MohammadAG For This Useful Post:
Posts: 115 | Thanked: 6 times | Joined on Nov 2010
Thanks a lot to Mohammed AG & Merlin.. for this wonderful Occasion..

As there is S and T i was really confused and i was on T and lazy to reflash :d..

And i decided to stay on T after reading these

How does the future of the stable cssu look like?
The plan is to incorporate updated packages from testing whenever they seem to have reached a stable status.
Since the dev team can't possible test all cases we rely on the community to give feedback on the releases in testing.
Every friday @ UTC 17:00 I will try to be around #maemo-ssu on to go over the current packages in testing with everyone who is around to voice his opinion.
So tht T can be superior than S... even though it is in testing stage

Anyways Thanks to all who sweated for this Great Project....
joerg_rw's Avatar
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@SD69 / council:
thanks for support of CSSU, and for offering that banner ad.

Get Community SSU now, keep Maemo alive ->

Picture above courtesy wazd

is sth I could come up with in a minute, but I'm not that brilliant on this kinda stuff. So take that as a first suggestion maybe. Any better contributions welcome :-D

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Last edited by joerg_rw; 2011-11-26 at 22:30.

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Thanks, i'm very sick right now and this cheer me up.

Noob questions:

How many batery do i have to got to install it? Can be installed with the charger plug?

In the Community SSU/ChangelogStable the NONE, is beacause have the same as T 16.8 or mean that doesn't have it?

(i supose) is recomended to install CSSU Features Configuration after CSSU S?

If yes, with CSSU Features Configuration you can configure the Community SSU/FeaturesStable, or you have to do it HAM or with apt-get or tweaking?.



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