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stickymick's Avatar
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Hi all

Well after a lonnnnng absence due to ill health and losing track of Sailfish completely, I have invested in a Sony Xperia 10 II with the free version of SailfishX installed.
I have a valid SailfishX license that I never used when I purchased SailfishX with a view to installing it on a Xperia F5121. Jolla have kindly transferred the license to the Xperia 10 II.

The issue is that I want to now use the Android support on the Xperia 10, but I have no idea how to enable it on Sailfish Free version.
I'm hoping it isn't a case of having to do a complete re-install of Sailfish because I'm not confident enough to do it.

If it can't be done any other way then I'll just have to use it as is because I've still got my Pro1 for Android.
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I believe it is in the Jolla shop, like if you would download a normal app.
Isn't it?
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That's what the guys at JD Store told me, but I've scoured the Store and can't find anything.
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Posts: 333 | Thanked: 865 times | Joined on May 2011
You could try through the command line:

Check if installed:
rpm -qa | grep aliendalvik
Or install:
# devel-su
# pkcon update
# pkcon install zypper
# zypper ref
# zypper install aliendalvik
zypper is a software manager that we install with zypper.
All the pros use it...I suppose it is more handy then pkcon...

zypper ref: Once intalled, zypper refreshes the available software list
then install android support (aliendalvik)
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That first command came back with-

/bin/bash: aliendalvik: not found.

And the last one came back with-

Loading repository data...
Reading installed packages...
'aliendalvik' not found in package names. Trying capabilities.
No provider of 'aliendalvik' found.
Resolving package dependencies...

Nothing to do.
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Saturn's Avatar
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Maybe check in the accounts if the Jolla account is active and is the same account you got the licence.

Might be wrong but I vaguely remember that in some similar cases the root cause were either some repos not correctly enabled or the account was different than the one registered with the licence.

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Indeed, Jolla account online + in the phone: The IMEI should appear online.
Or reflash and make sure to do all the "sign in" and default apps install in the right order at boot?

OT: @Saturn I saw SMScon in your signature. Didn't know you were into Sailfish too. Do you think a project like SMScon would be possible under SFOS and as powerfull as on N900?
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Originally Posted by stickymick View Post
I'm hoping it isn't a case of having to do a complete re-install of Sailfish because I'm not confident enough to do it.
I'm guessing some of repos may be missing and here is list from my licensed Xperia 10II running as haven't got around to updating:

[root@Xperia10II defaultuser]# ssu lr
Enabled repositories (global): 
 - adaptation-common ...
 - adaptation0       ...
 - aliendalvik       ...
 - apps              ...
 - customer-jolla    ...
 - hotfixes          ...
 - jolla             ...
 - sailfish-eas      ...
 - xt9               ...

Enabled repositories (user): 
 - openrepos-balta   ...
 - openrepos-osetr   ...
 - openrepos-vasvlad ...
 - store             ...

Disabled repositories (global, might be overridden by user config): 

Disabled repositories (user): 
[root@Xperia10II defaultuser]#

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I think that's what the issue is actually. The Xperia 10 II isn't in the list of devices. All the other handsets I have owned are there, including the Aqua Fish. I can't remember how to add devices to my account.

I'll whizz another email off to Jolla and see what they can do. They have already transferred the un-used license over to the 10 II but without the IMEI number it's not going to work.
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stickymick's Avatar
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Still having some issues with this.
I fired another email off to Jolla and according to them my device should download an update that unlocks the commercial support, but despite checking for updates there's nothing found.

Jolla say that the Android Support is already included in the free download but is hidden until it is unlocked with the license key for the full download. It's supposed to happen when you've logged into your Jolla account with your device. Once your IMEI is matched with the account it triggers an OS update that then unlocks the Android support. But for some reason this is not happening with my Xperia 10 II.

I originally purchased Sailfish X on my PC with a view to flashing it to an Xperia X but never got round to doing so, so the license wasn't used so Jolla transferred it to the Xperia 10 II. So I think it's the IMEI that's the hurdle.
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alien dalvik, aliendalvik

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