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I'm trying to install the vpnc-gui for vpnc but it is telling me it requires the dependency of maemo-select-menu-location package. A quick apt-get check of this application does not find it anywhere.

I then checked the Maemo bugzilla and discovered that maemo-select-menu-location is obsolete and therefore has been removed from the SDK and apparantly all repos.

Problem is, I need this so I can install the vpnc-gui application so I can load my PCF file so I can login to work.

Anyone have a fix for this or where I can still get this maemo-select-menu-location package so I can get vpnc-gui running?

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Posts: 129 | Thanked: 18 times | Joined on Nov 2009 @ Switzerland
Hi guys

I just tried to finish up my newly reflashed N900 and just shockingly stumbeled across this issue here. Interestingly enough I had it, the GUI I mean, installed before the reflash and now I'm stuck having to use my limited and expensive GPRS connection instead of the free VPN-WIFI connection I have available.

any way around this? Contact the author of the package or how could this minor - I guess - issue be resolved?

Thanks guys. So long...
Posts: 1 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Apr 2010
Hey guys,

try installing vpngui from the Extra-devel as a temporary fix. I use that at the moment. It has no possibility of importing .pcf filex, but you can extract the infos from the file and enter the obfuscated password from it.
Hope that helps..
Posts: 267 | Thanked: 183 times | Joined on Jan 2010 @ Campinas, SP, Brazil
If there's someone with this package still in the device, it could recreate the deb-file by installing dpkg-repack and then doing "dpkg-repack maemo-select-menu-location" so that it could then make it available to all. Maybe that would serve as a temporary fix for installing vpnc-gui.
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Posts: 129 | Thanked: 18 times | Joined on Nov 2009 @ Switzerland
vpngui is a no-go since my VPN connex bases upon a login which creates a dynamic 'password' by using a hardware token. Only vpnc-gui masters this method.

but the idea with the dpkg-repack is brilliant! Anyone willing to do that?

Last edited by schaggo; 2010-04-27 at 16:33.
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Posts: 129 | Thanked: 18 times | Joined on Nov 2009 @ Switzerland
Mailed the author the day before yesterday. The package got updated yesterday and is fully working right now. I just installed vpnc-gui and successfully connected to my default VPN-network.
This author deserves alot of thanks, big respect and certainly big kudos!

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