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I have seen it reported today on allaboutsymbian that Wayfinder has given up on navigation products in the face of compition form Google and Nokia.

I know that they had recently announced that the inetrnet tablet app was being diccontinued, but this seems to be more fundemental.
Posts: 607 | Thanked: 450 times | Joined on Sep 2009 @ Washington, DC
Definitely more fundamental. Vodafone which owns Wayfinder is shutting it down and has no plans to use existing Wayfinder products in the future.
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so whats a good alternative? can we use nokia ovi maps in maemo 4?
bongo's Avatar
Posts: 291 | Thanked: 124 times | Joined on Feb 2006 @ Trier, Germany
They sell an unlimited license ...

then they cut it down to 3 years,
then they stop updating maps,
then they stop traffic services
and now they are gone

Well done, Wayfinder!!
ongo bongo!
Ralph's Avatar
Posts: 14 | Thanked: 10 times | Joined on Jan 2010 @ Italy
If you have bought a Navicore 2007 license you can ask Wayfinder to extend you license expiry date.
I know, no more map updates, no more traffic services, but a working application is better than nothing. Now my license will expire in 2019.

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Sooooo... does this mean I can just go ahead and delete the application?
luca's Avatar
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Originally Posted by Ralph View Post
Now my license will expire in 2019.
Would you care to share your mac address and the files in /home/user/.navicore/ldb?
fragos's Avatar
Posts: 900 | Thanked: 273 times | Joined on Aug 2008 @ Fresno CA USA
I deleted the Maps application with no problem to save space. I replaced it with Maemo Mapper. will help you get started.
George Fragos
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N810 -- 5.2010.33-1
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Although the maps are now a couple of years old, practically for me that has not made any difference, Better than my garmin which nagged me to death once the map was a year old, and the update needed paying for.

The death of the traffic and speed camera updates were, and still are a pain for me, as it was really nice having it all in one place.

It is a pity that these services could not be opened up for the community to host or offer updated POIs. If there was some way to export map data from Openstreetmap to Wayfinder (like Navit) then we could keep the application maps up to date.

One thing that does bother me is updating the licence legally if I want to swap the licence between my devices (if my N810 dies and I replace) as I still have 18 months licence left.

Navit has a lot of potential, but still has a lot of rough edges compared to wayfinder.'s Avatar
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some reviews :

So I am trying to test navit ...

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