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ArnimS's Avatar
Posts: 1,107 | Thanked: 720 times | Joined on Mar 2007 @ Germany
New Port, SDL port of Tyrian - a space shootEmUp by Epic MegaGames!

Scrolling screen, a nice variety of powerup weapons and lots of enemies. Has a nice little backstory too.
From Epic MegaGames comes Tyrian featuring Intense arcade action with Multiple Parallax backgrounds, Enhanced Pentium mode, Awesome Soundtrack, Killer Graphics, HUGE heart stopping explosions and Modem/Network support! Choose from over 300 different weapon combinations to build the most advanced combat vessel the universe will ever experience! Multiple gameplay options offer you hours of excitement and exploration. Tyrian brings the most complete overhead arcade shooter to life on your PC!

running smoothly on N810. (camera can't keep up :P). Has difficulty and speed adjustments to make it survivable on the tablet too.

This is just a performance tweak build - trying to get the best fps out of it. Bottom of screen cuts out for some reason. Just untar it and run from cmdline for now. <<< Big bad page with lots of info about the game and the planned sequel.

(edit) 08.03.03 updated tgz with software-scaled version (scale2x). xsp accelerated version is now ./tyrian_xsp and scale2x version ./tyrian

(edit) 08.03.12 New .deb with installer (thanks ukki) - requires only 351kB installed! (~9MB free to install). Use dpad to steer. If someone wants to fix mouse and xsp let meh know.

I am totally groovin on the music. Alexander Brandon is one of the best!

Last edited by ArnimS; 2008-03-14 at 18:46. Reason: updated binary

The Following 16 Users Say Thank You to ArnimS For This Useful Post:
Posts: 550 | Thanked: 110 times | Joined on Aug 2006
Thanks, I loved this game a long time ago. I find it is best to play it with my SU-8W Bluetooth keyboard as the D-pad on the N810 is just too crappy. The one on the N800 might not be too bad, though.

Any thoughts to doing a hildonized version of this? I would love to play it full screen. Also, it appears (as I think you were trying to note) that the bottom of the screen is cut off. I also get a brief flicker on my screen every 3 seconds or so.
Posts: 550 | Thanked: 110 times | Joined on Aug 2006
Thanks for the updated version. It no longer flickers on my n810 and works full-screen!
Posts: 393 | Thanked: 112 times | Joined on Jul 2007
Also loved this game back in the day

Now we need a SWARS port
wazd's Avatar
Posts: 528 | Thanked: 895 times | Joined on Oct 2007 @ Moscow, Russia
aw crap! This is just awesome! But can you please tell what to type in xterm to launch cause I can't get it(
ArnimS's Avatar
Posts: 1,107 | Thanked: 720 times | Joined on Mar 2007 @ Germany
You need to unpack it to a directory on your root filesystem, like

/home/user or
/home/user/MyDocs/.games (if a directory called MyDocs doesn't make you want to nuke a planet)

From there

cd ./tyrian21_maemo
wazd's Avatar
Posts: 528 | Thanked: 895 times | Joined on Oct 2007 @ Moscow, Russia
Thanks! Slightly uncomfortable to play on N800 but it works like hell!
xopher_mc's Avatar
Posts: 86 | Thanked: 9 times | Joined on Jan 2008 @ Berlin, Germany
Great game! Thanks for the port.

works great on my N810.

"I find it is best to play it with my SU-8W Bluetooth keyboard as the D-pad on the N810 is just too crappy." Try seting the keys up on the options to be actual keys on the n810 keyboard. Much better than the D-pad

Pushwall's Avatar
Posts: 373 | Thanked: 110 times | Joined on Jul 2007
Oh my I am only good on slow mode on my N800. This looks great and the sounds/music are awesome! Very smooth graphics!! The only wish I have is for the stylus/mouse control to work better. When I hold the stylus on the screen my ship travels to the far right of the screen firing weapons. Any chance for the stylus to control ship movement? Anyway, great game port and I truly appreciate it!
dcarter's Avatar
Posts: 229 | Thanked: 29 times | Joined on May 2006
I try to run it via xterm within the correct directory
wit command

but I always get a "Permission denied" response.

Why only me???

/linux neophyte


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