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Posts: 168 | Thanked: 58 times | Joined on Aug 2010 @ Vienna
I am trying to encode a video that I recorded on my Panasonic video recorder for N900.
I transferred this video to a RAM disk, and copied the file to my harddisc.

When using mplayer (SVN-r32834-4.2.1) the video seems to have some bugs/distortions but it plays.
The mplayer log says:
[mpeg2video @ 0x8983180]ac-tex damaged at 5 14
[mpeg2video @ 0x8983180]invalid mb type in I Frame at 0 28
and so on.

I tried
mencoder VR_MOVIE.VRO -oac mp3lame -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg4:mbd=1:vbitrate=300:vpsize=500 -vf scale=352:232 -ffourcc DIVX -o forN900.avi
but it crashes with:
[mpeg2video @ 0x886c620]Warning MVs not available
[mpeg2video @ 0x886c620]concealing 315 DC, 315 AC, 315 MV errors
Segmentation fault"

I am not that mencode professional so my question is if there
are mencode settings which make mencode more tolerant against such errors and which avoid such a crash.
The newer SVN download from mplayer does not compile currently.

Which other tools do you use under Linux to encode videos for N900?
Posts: 1,341 | Thanked: 708 times | Joined on Feb 2010
Posts: 1,048 | Thanked: 979 times | Joined on Mar 2008 @ SF Bay Area
qgvdial: Google Voice client. All downloads
qgvtp: Phone integration for the n900 that dials out and sends texts using qgvdial.
mosquitto: message broker that implements the MQ Telemetry Transport protocol version 3.
qgvnotify: Google voice and contacts notifier for diablo and maemo.

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