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longcat's Avatar
Posts: 333 | Thanked: 153 times | Joined on Feb 2010 @ blah blah
Hm... I stumbled upon some nice articles, and I wanted to share them (send them using sms, email, twitter or whatever) and I couldn't because there is no sharing opts in browser. So I have to copypaste them in corresponding app, that sucks.

I wonder is is possible to make some addon for browser to do this, or I'm missing something?

Posts: 540 | Thanked: 387 times | Joined on May 2009
Well depending on what you are trying to do, you can probably get a way with a "bookmarklet" - a JavaScript bookmark.
Here's one which sends an email of the current page using the title of the current page as the subject of the email. It sends to a specific recipient using your gmail account (if you aren't logged in, it will ask you to login before proceeding). Save the JS as a bookmark (the URL part) then click the bookmark whenever you want to send a link. It's not super versatile but if you just send links to one person all the time then it's a nobrainer. You could also use this to send a SMS as you can send an email as a SMS using gmail.

replace SOMEONE@MAIL.COM with the email address you want to send to.

PHP Code:
It's one line and so it doesn't want to word-wrap.
longcat's Avatar
Posts: 333 | Thanked: 153 times | Joined on Feb 2010 @ blah blah
Not bad at all ... now how can I make addon including this ?

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