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I am wondering if anyone has done any work on getting soundmodem running on the N800:

I have been messing around a bit trying to get it working by building it from the Debian sources, and it builds OK, but when I run it I get

sm[2607]: Unable to set period time 15000 for capture: Invalid argument

I'll have to start delving into the ALSA API, I expect, based on this error. If anyone has any experience with soundmodem on the N800 (or N810), it would be great to hear from you. I'm trying to build a portable packet system out of the N800 and a Yaesu VX-7R.

Frank Smith
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Just found this thread. Any updates?
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> sm[2607]: Unable to set period time 15000 for capture: Invalid argument

I have no idea really but hazard a guess that sampling can only be done at 8KHz.

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I've never tried doing anything with soundmodem on the NITs, but I have in the past built a kernel with AX.25 support, and built debs for libax25, etc.
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Originally Posted by st5150 View Post
Just found this thread. Any updates?
Nothing new on using the built-in audio.

I have a USB sound dongle, though, that I thought I'd try to get working with the N800 at some point. If I have any luck I'll post my results.
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Any thoughts about the 8KHz sampling limit suggestion above?

Would it happen to be one of of these USB sound cards?

Sound modem + Maemo Mapper which now has APRS support would be a great tool !

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Originally Posted by st5150 View Post
Any thoughts about the 8KHz sampling limit suggestion above?

Would it happen to be one of of these USB sound cards?
No, the original error I had was using the built-in audio.

Yesterday I built a USB cable so that I could plug in a dongle like the one you pointed out. I had purchased three from, and one of them I was able to get working well with my Yaesu VX-7R and Ubuntu laptop running soundmodem and Xastir.

I plugged it into the N800, and it looked like the kernel recognized it... it created /dev/dsp1 for instance. I configured soundmodem to use soundcard mode on /dev/dsp1, and ran soundmodem with no errors. I hooked it up to the HT where there were APRS packets flying around, but no joy yet.

I figure the next thing to do will be to figure out how to set the audio levels. I have built alsamixer, but have not been able to use it to configure the USB audio yet. The alsa.conf on the N800 looks quite stripped down. I think I might need to figure out how to get it to support the typical hw:1,0, plughw:1,0 device names.

I will post updates as I make progress. If anyone has any suggestions please jump in at any time.
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I'll write more later, but I see my prior post was not clear, I was talking about the 8KHz sampling limit with the built in 'sound card'.

I've noticed those USB dongles to be very load sensitive, in fact when the output had a ~100 ohm load on it, it substantially muted the input. If I remember right, a ~1K resistor in series with the headphone audio line fixed this problem. Search this forum for those USB sound card dongles and as well as alsa, there are a few posts about it here.
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Originally Posted by st5150 View Post
I'll write more later, but I see my prior post was not clear, I was talking about the 8KHz sampling limit with the built in 'sound card'.
After re-reading, I see that your post was clear.

To go into more detail, I purchased the following dongles from


It was (3) that I had success with. The total for all 3, including shipping, was about $12 Canadian, so 1/3 wasn't bad. I also have this one on its way:


Dongles (1) and (2) gave me these errors on x86 ubuntu, and I have not tried them on the N800:

pulseaudio[3294]: alsa-util.c: Device hw:1 doesn't support 44100 Hz, changed to 24000 Hz.
pulseaudio[3442]: module-alsa-sink.c: Your kernel driver is broken: it reports a volume range from 0.00 dB to 0.00 dB which makes no sense.
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Yes, "#3" is what I use as well. I'm more of a hardware guy than a software guy.

There is some good info in this thread:

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