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Hi All.


i made this script using my N900

i created this thread just to put my simple shell scripts that im making.

Im still at starter stage which mean im learning now scripting.

this page will always be updated.
i uploaded a script that i made it is very simple its like Q&A (questions and answers) "it is all about 'echo' 'if' 'then' 'fi' and 'read' commands".

please in x-terminal the font size should be 16 so you can read well.

finally please dont forget to comment after testing my scripts (for now i only uploaded one).
i would like to hear your opinions

EDIT : the same script add in .deb format many thanks for ammyt and karam


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File Type: deb testscript.deb (40.4 KB, 111 views)
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Last edited by sifo; 2012-06-02 at 22:40.

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What is there in this script that absolutely needs bash to be installed, rather than just the (standard) busybox the device is shipped with?

If you want to interest people in reading your scripts, than make them in such a way that executing them is as easy as possible.

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well as i said it is a simple script it is like asking for your name then your last name i added some jokes and a menu then you choose what you want i tested it with bash and ash (the standard one ) and it works also i said above that you MAY need bash
and for who is thinking this script gonna do something wrong i say NO and i take the responsability about using it
and thanx for your reply
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" Hey ! I've just met you and this is crazy, so install cssu maybe ? "
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I read the script on my laptop but I did not need to run it on my n900 to know for sure that you will need Bash installed, as that is the declaration on your very first script line.

#! /bin/bash
If you want it to run on the default N900, you'd need to change it to

#! /bin/sh

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thanx for the info ! hope you like it and as i said im just a starter .
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" Hey ! I've just met you and this is crazy, so install cssu maybe ? "
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You might want to have this thread moved somewhere else? I mean, learning bash is not directly related to the N900. I don't know if this would better fit under Development.. although honestly, and meaning no disrespect, learning bash (or busybox or whatever) is a bit off-topic in the whole of

Unless of course you direct your shell learning to something relevant to maemo and/or N900.

Cheers and good luck.

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no you missed something !
i created this thread under N900 section because i just wanted to share my scripts with other N900 users my point was not learning or getting advices and sure thanks for anthonie for his post .
and another thing : when ultra noobs run my script and watching me saying it is nothing and very simple they will love to learn bash and this is my main point .

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" Hey ! I've just met you and this is crazy, so install cssu maybe ? "
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I believe what ReinoB is stating is the following:

1. Bash is in no way unique to the N900.
2. The /Devices/N900 forum is meant for threads specifically tied to the N900.
3. Hence, the thread should have been posted in another forum.

I think he is completely right, not in the least because of the comments I placed earlier. Also, placing your thread in the right forum will make it all the more easier for people to find your scripts once it gets buried in the archives of talk.maemo.

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alright sorry that was a mistake but im not going to create the same thread under another section
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" Hey ! I've just met you and this is crazy, so install cssu maybe ? "
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Or you could write stuff that include n900 specific code like this

Code: dbus-send --type=method_call --dest=org.freedesktop.Notifications /org/freedesktop/Notifications org.freedesktop.Notifications.SystemNoteInfoprint string:"This is a N900 banner"
Deskypplet , a desktop for N900 *RIP*

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bash starter, script-a-brick

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