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Its as simple as that,
Please notice that I'm comparing results produced by powersave_bias and I'm using standard settings like 4 bars of brightness and wifi off and 3G.
I'm just testing the kernel power settings.
And my current is 10 mAh per hour on standby.
Can anyone share theirs with 3G on, 4 bars brightness and Wifi off Using the Wifi switcher or any similar app?
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-_-' powersave bias does nothing for the N900.
N900: One of God's own prototypes. A high-powered mutant of some kind never even considered for mass production. Too weird to live, and too rare to die.

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Originally Posted by vi_ View Post
-_-' powersave bias does nothing for the N900.
For me, its a significant improvement.
110 with hw acceleration on.. isn't too laggy.. and speed patch and battery patch..
My max freq is 750, Min is 500 and smartreflex is on.
It keeps the frequency to 500 on standby, sometimes on 700,
and 600-700 on useage and only goes to 750 with REALLY needed.
Usually, it goes to 700 alot, with Powersave, It goes to 25-30% of 500, and sometimes 700.
And I dont loose much visual performance or without the need of reducing Brightness.
Most of all, If I'm correct, stand by time should be around 5 days from full charge to 5mAh *when phone turns off* which is quite significant.
I'd be happy if someone tries this for testing results coz I don't get alotta free time these days to test it all out.

# minimum frequency to use
# maximum frequency to use
# list of frequency configurations: each "frequency:volt,dsprate"
FREQS="0:30,90 125:30,90 250:33,180 500:38,400 550:40,430 600:42,500 700:45,500 750:47,500 805:50,500 850:52,500 900:60,500 950:60,500 1000:60,500 1100:72,520 1150:72,520"

^thats my settings for kernel power
Posts: 463 | Thanked: 103 times | Joined on Jul 2010 @ Mumbai, India
@ a dick...

I too also use the same frequencies and notice a slightly longer battery life but how do i change the powersaave_bias?? Is 110 the optimum range u've tested it in ??
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Originally Posted by a dick View Post
Please notice that I'm comparing results produced by powersave_bias and I'm using standard settings like 4 bars of brightness and wifi off and 3G.
I'm just testing the kernel power settings.
And my current is 10 mAh per hour on standby.
(Nitpick: "mAh per hour" is a... peculiar unit, just say mA ;-) )

If powersave_bias has any effect at all it would only be when the CPU is being actively used enough to trigger a frequency change. As 10mA is an idle current draw, comparing that to measure powersave_bias effects is useless.
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12 mAh, 2G, BT off, WiFi not connected.
250-600, see sig for voltages. SR1&2 on.
N9 PR 1.3 Open Mode + kernel-plus for Harmattan
@kenweknot, working on Glacier for Nemo.
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i think you find it's the vfs cache pressure that is making the difference i noticed no difference with the powersave bias but changing the vfs made the most improvenments
"I Reject Your Reality & Substitute My Own" Adam Savage
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Originally Posted by corduroysack View Post
i think you find it's the vfs cache pressure that is making the difference i noticed no difference with the powersave bias but changing the vfs made the most improvenments
Can you test it without VFS settings tweaked?

Originally Posted by lma View Post
(Nitpick: "mAh per hour" is a... peculiar unit, just say mA ;-) )

If powersave_bias has any effect at all it would only be when the CPU is being actively used enough to trigger a frequency change. As 10mA is an idle current draw, comparing that to measure powersave_bias effects is useless.
Even on idle, the frequency keeps on changing, with powerbias, in my opinion, the fluctuation should be reduced improving battery life.

Originally Posted by funkmunk View Post
@ a dick...

I too also use the same frequencies and notice a slightly longer battery life but how do i change the powersave_bias?? Is 110 the optimum range u've tested it in ??
110 is optimum in my opinion because, in higher values, i noticed the cpu is not using the maximum frequency most of the times, if not at all.

i tested idle and minor usage, not too significant or everyday usage coz I dont get alotta free time and I jus use the phone for calls.

If someone can test the performance outcomes on idle and on usage and get talk time, usage times, idle times and power consumption per hour or more for each of those, I'd be glad

Last edited by a dork; 2011-08-11 at 09:41.
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already did a some weeks ago, after following karam's thread i changed the powerbias setting in my profile noticed no change still draining the same. reset powerbias and changed vfs setting and battery drain was improved a great deal.

i am not using speedpatch because tbh i used it for a couple of months and for no reason at all i removed speedpatch to see what the difference would be with how my device ran once removed i have not installed speedpatch again.

i feel it's like when you take your car into the garage for something minor and non performance enhancing but you drive out and feel the car feels more punchier, responsive (but it's not) that's how i feel about the speedpatch
"I Reject Your Reality & Substitute My Own" Adam Savage

Last edited by corduroysack; 2011-08-11 at 09:50.

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Originally Posted by corduroysack View Post
already did a some weeks ago, after following karam's thread i changed the powerbias setting in my profile noticed no change still draining the same. reset powerbias and changed vfs setting and battery drain was improved a great deal.
How about standard usage?
i'm not just focusing on idle time but the whole effect of powersave bias coz battery life is a major issue for me, if not the only issue.

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