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kingoddball's Avatar
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I'm back with another version of the faircrack installer.
This one should be damn easy to use!

The only pre'req you need is rootsh.

Just take the tar file and extract it to MyDocs.

Download it to MyDocs

To extract:
 tar -xvf fasinstaller.tar
 . ./
(just type . ./fas [then press tab])

Wait a few minutes for it to download required files (like aircrack). It will install or downgrade your kernel to WL1-46 and install FAS with an icon in your menu. Hack away!

I know I have another thread for an installer, but it was a little haggard and tucked away. Also very ugly and hard to use.
This should be easy enough for everyone.

This is still only FAS v0.3.

Download: Void

Edit: Files removed.
Updating with a hopefully better version. (no fluff, basic install)

I have just done a dumb simple update and removed all the crap (left popup saying installing and downgrading).

This may not fix any issues. Sorry in advanced!
The thanks button? Sure! You can press it! I would!

Last edited by kingoddball; 2011-08-26 at 09:08.

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Posts: 268 | Thanked: 75 times | Joined on Jan 2011
Before extrac the file, you need to place yourself in MyDocs with cd Mydocs. And maybe you will need to move the sh file to /home/user before try to execute it.
kingoddball's Avatar
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Just unzip/extract in MyDocs.
I'm trying to keep it simple.

Download using MicroB to MyDocs and extract. Nothing more.
It will make one folder and one fas*.sh
The thanks button? Sure! You can press it! I would!
Posts: 915 | Thanked: 57 times | Joined on Jun 2011
just by doing the above steps we can hack any wifi.bdw m confused what can we do with it. you said "hack away".but can u tell me how to do that? i hav just installed cleven yesterday.dint use u suggest me to install this too?

Last edited by trisha02; 2011-08-21 at 04:39.
kingoddball's Avatar
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It's a program called FAircrack which is a gui for the prgrwm AirCrack.
Please see the multiple threads in Applications sub thread.

Also, this is a one time use script. You can use it them delete if needed.
The thanks button? Sure! You can press it! I would!
Posts: 915 | Thanked: 57 times | Joined on Jun 2011
i know this is a gui of aircrack.this hacks wifi right? i am telling that once i follow the above steps how can i hack any wifi connection then?
Posts: 225 | Thanked: 105 times | Joined on May 2010

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kingoddball's Avatar
Posts: 1,187 | Thanked: 816 times | Joined on Apr 2010 @ Australia
Hahahaha funny mofo!!
I no know how... Sorry, I want to.
That was next on my learning list!
The thanks button? Sure! You can press it! I would!
Posts: 915 | Thanked: 57 times | Joined on Jun 2011
???how to start hacking?/
kingoddball's Avatar
Posts: 1,187 | Thanked: 816 times | Joined on Apr 2010 @ Australia
You domt hack... It's for security testing purposes only... Your own network....

Did the installer work?
Feedback please..

Guide for use:
The thanks button? Sure! You can press it! I would!

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