
Thread Tools
Posts: 34 | Thanked: 9 times | Joined on Apr 2010 @ mn
I recorded about 20 videos on a recent backpacking trip. Half play fine and the rest give playback error. I tried mplayer, windows media player, and youtube video editor just shows this

Uploaded with The file size is consistant with the length of the videos. I was out for a month so its a big bummer to not be able to watch these. Any ideas I could try or are they junk files?
"talk low, talk slow, and don't talk too much" John Wayne
Posts: 395 | Thanked: 509 times | Joined on Jan 2011 @ Brisbane, Australia
Did you try VLC?

The Following User Says Thank You to azkay For This Useful Post:
Posts: 34 | Thanked: 9 times | Joined on Apr 2010 @ mn
VLC crashes when I try to play them. I am waiting for a cable to transfer to my old xbox to see if XBMC4Xbox will play them. Not much hope I'm afraid.
I wonder if it happened because I have the camera set to save to the micro sd card. I have the CSSU, but no Fcam or blessN900.
"talk low, talk slow, and don't talk too much" John Wayne
Posts: 98 | Thanked: 32 times | Joined on Jul 2011
had this problem once, on a video...

soz to hear that, mine was as well broken, failed to find a fix.
Posts: 502 | Thanked: 366 times | Joined on Jun 2010 @ /dev/null
can you please print the output of your dmesg from your device along with the output of maemo-list-user-packages?

Also which firmware version do you have?
Posts: 112 | Thanked: 92 times | Joined on Nov 2010
not sure whether you can watch those files, but can try avoiding such issues in the future..

Did you undervolt ur phone ?
If so try increasing the values or use the default profile and see.

Last edited by nkirk; 2011-09-18 at 13:39.
Posts: 161 | Thanked: 186 times | Joined on Apr 2011
your memory card is most likely corrupt...

it happened to me recently, really pissed me off...
Posts: 34 | Thanked: 9 times | Joined on Apr 2010 @ mn
~ $ maemo-list-user-packages
advanced-power  0.4.2-4 user/desktop    188
advanced-power-monitor  0.5.3-3 user/utilities  216
aircrack-ng     1.1-maemo12     user/network    1420
angrybirds      1.4.2   user/hidden     37300
angrybirds-levelpack1   1.0.0   user/hidden     820
angrybirds-levelpack2   1.0.0   user/hidden     436
angrybirds-levelpack3   1.0.0   user/hidden     564
blockfestdeluxe 1.0.2   user/hidden     6100
bootscreen      0.3.4   user/system     216
cal-home-widget 1.4     user/desktop    160
caph    1.1-maemo2      user/games      2256
ceferino        0.97.8-2-fremantle5     user/games      4996
cl-launcher     0.2-5   user/desktop    148
community-ssu-enabler	0.6-6	user/system	108
conky	1.6.1-0maemo5-1.1	user/desktop	680
crazycat	2.0-5	user/games	336
crimson	0.5.3-1maemo4	user/games	1564
crystalmountain	1.4.1	user/hidden	6800
custom-operator-name-widget	0.1	user/desktop	100
dbus-switchboard	1.2.8	user/other	152
decoders-support	0.4	user/multimedia	84
dopewars	1.5.12	user/games	1432
dosbox	0.74-0maemo2	user/games	2124
drawing	1.2.0	user/hidden	8579
drnoksnes	1.3.4	user/games	1260
easy-chroot	0.3.5-1fremantle1	user/system	144
easy-deb-chroot	0.9.56-1fremantle1	user/system	2760
ecoach	1.67	user/navigation	788
espeak	1.45.10	user/multimedia	48
espeak-extra-data	1.45.10	user/multimedia	4364
espeakgui	0.3-1	user/multimedia	256
fapman	0.7.1-1	user/system	864
fbreader	0.12.10-28	user/utilities	3028
fennec	6.0	user/hidden	41616
filebox	0.7-2	user/utilities	2048
flashlight-applet	0.4-5	user/desktop	284
fm-boost	0.2-2fremantle1	user/system	120
fmms	1.3.3	user/network	840
fmtx-faker	0.7	user/multimedia	128
freeciv-client-sdl	2.1.10-1maemo5v2.3	user/games	2076
friendlyfm	0.2.1	user/desktop	220
gltron	0.70final-9maemo9	user/games	2740
gnurobbo	0.66	user/games	3288
gonvert	1.1.5-3	user/science	1096
hexen2	0.3armel-1	user/games	1552
hideuseragent	0.3.7	user/network	116
hostmode-gui	0.3	user/system	188
ines	3.6.9-2	user/games	222
john	1.7.6-1	user/development	1556
kernel-power-flasher	1:2.6.28-10power48	user/system236
kernel-power-settings	0.11	user/system	140
kmplayer	0.10.5-3	user/multimedia	816
kobodeluxe	0.5.1-5maemo6	user/games	628
leafpad	0.8.17le-0maemo1	user/utilities	944
libqtm-bearer	1:1.0.2-maemo4+0m5+0cssu1	user/libs	300
libqtm-contacts	1:1.0.2-maemo4+0m5+0cssu1	user/libs	1012
libqtm-location	1:1.0.2-maemo4+0m5+0cssu1	user/libs	256
libqtm-messaging	1:1.0.2-maemo4+0m5+0cssu1	user/libs	848
libqtm-multimedia	1:1.0.2-maemo4+0m5+0cssu1	user/libs	1544
libqtm-publishsubscribe	1:1.0.2-maemo4+0m5+0cssu1	user/libs	244
libqtm-sensors	1:1.0.2-maemo4+0m5+0cssu1	user/libs	336
libqtm-serviceframework	1:1.0.2-maemo4+0m5+0cssu1	user/libs	392
libqtm-systeminfo	1:1.0.2-maemo4+0m5+0cssu1	user/libs	420
libqtm-versit	1:1.0.2-maemo4+0m5+0cssu1	user/libs	464
lzma	4.43-14maemo5	user/utilities	164
macchanger	1.5.0-4	user/network	316
maelstrom	user/games	1784
maemo-mapper	3.0+beta9	user/navigation	1496
maesynth	0.1.0-5	user/multimedia	3264
mancala	0.3.2	user/games	3180
masudoku	1.4-8	user/games	184
mbarcode	1.0.3-1	user/utilities	28
mbarcode-plugin-qrcode	0.0.7-5	user/utilities	164
mbarcode-plugin-webrequest	0.1.15-11	user/utilities	156
mbarcode-plugin-wifi	0.1.0-13	user/utilities	76
mc	1:4.7.4-maemo3	user/utilities	5372
mcsp	1.0-6	user/development	44
midori	0.2.1-0git1	user/network	2364
mirror	2.1-1	user/multimedia	188
mobile-maps	8.1.2	user/hidden	142597
mouthpot	1.0.159	user/hidden	1208
mp-fremantle-community-pr	20.2010.36-2maemo16.8	user/system	12
mplayer	1.0svn20091221-4	user/multimedia	18612
mupen64plus-arm-gui	20110128-0maemo2	user/games	68
mussorgsky	0.5.2-3	user/multimedia	292
mypaint	0.8.2-2maemo0	user/graphics	10476
n900-fmrx-enabler	1.5-4+0m5	user/libs	92
navit	0.2.0~svn2916+dfsg.1-1maemo1	user/navigation	912
nhouse	1.0.0	user/hidden	46972
njurassic	1.0.1	user/hidden	34136
numptyphysics	user/games	748
offscr-anglemeter	1.0.1	user/hidden	972
offscr-level	1.0.2	user/hidden	784
offscr-xploder	1.0.3	user/hidden	1072
ogg-support	1.1.1	user/multimedia	120
omweather	0.28.13	user/desktop	4108
omweather-weather-com-stations-db	1.0.5	user/desktop3524
openssh-client	1:5.1p1-6.maemo5	user/network	1192
openssh-server	1:5.1p1-6.maemo5	user/network	456
opera-mobile	11.0beta1-9~fremantle0	user/network	14064
panucci	0.99.3	user/multimedia	1180
per-contact-ringtones	1.0.3-0	user/system	296
pidgin	2.7.7-0nix2	user/network	4392
prboom	2:2.5.0-svn20091231-0maemo2	user/games	1296
python2.5-qt4	4.7.5-maemo2	user/development	36
qik	1.0.6	user/hidden	2284
qimageviewer	2.2	user/hidden	1180
qmltube	1.1.1	user/multimedia	4900
qtirreco	0.3.0-1	user/utilities	1776
qtquickcompat	0.1.0+0cssu1	user/development	8
queen-beecon	1.3.2	user/desktop	564
quick-launch	0.8	user/desktop	212
quickpanorama-pro	1.0.1	user/hidden	680
recorder	0.3.4	user/multimedia	240
rootsh	1.5	user/system	32
searchtool	0.1-7	user/utilities	228
sgt-puzzles	8853-1maemo3	user/games	1704
simple-brightness-applet	1.1-1maemo0	user/desktop64
sixad	1.3.0-0maemo2	user/system	424
sixaxis-support	1.2-2	user/system	28
smw	1.7-3	user/games	28048
snake	0.1-4	user/hidden	572
solarwolf	1.5-2maemo13	user/games	2508
someplayer	1.5.6-1	user/multimedia	2104
spb-tv	1.0-34	user/hidden	768
spin	1.0.1-1	user/hidden	2500
starhash-enabler	0.2	user/system	16
stellarium-mobile	1.0.3	user/hidden	21908
sudser	0.2.0-4	user/system	36
supertux-stable	0.1.3-1.1maemo13	user/games	528
tar-gnu	1.22-2maemo5	user/system	2360
tecnoballz	0.92-4	user/games	3336
teeworlds	0.5.2-1maemo2	user/games	744
tiltlaby	1.0.1-7	user/games	652
tomamp	0.4.1-maemo0	user/multimedia	556
tracker-cfg	0.3.2-1	user/system	136
transmission	1:1.76-1maemo0	user/network	1620
ttf-droid	1.01-dfsg0maemo3	user/graphics	4392
tutorial-home-applet	0.6.16+0m5	user/support	1292
unrar-fm	0.1-1	user/utilities	72
unzip	1:6.0-maemo5	user/utilities	404
uqm	0.6.7-0maemo5	user/games	1552
vgb	3.5.6-2	user/games	241
vgba	3.6.8-2	user/games	418
vor	0.5.4-0maemo2	user/games	592
wgames	0.6.9	user/games	5312
wok	1.0-3	user/games	1016
xarchiver	0.4.6-7fremantle7	user/utilities	1248
xournal	0.4.5-1fremantle17	user/office	1108
xulrunner	user/hidden	28744
yellownotes-applet-fremantle	0.5.3	user/desktop	88
zenbound	1.0.4-1	user/hidden	13
zip	3.0-1maemo5	user/utilities	480
~ $
[24714.597259] wl1251: down
[36022.627777] proximity (GPIO 89) is now open
[36026.041839] proximity (GPIO 89) is now closed
[36026.206909] proximity (GPIO 89) is now open
[36026.534057] proximity (GPIO 89) is now closed
[36178.659179] proximity (GPIO 89) is now open
[36185.626586] proximity (GPIO 89) is now closed
[36185.659118] proximity (GPIO 89) is now open
[36185.745025] proximity (GPIO 89) is now closed
[36185.823150] proximity (GPIO 89) is now open
[41311.471954] cfg80211: Regulatory domain changed to country: US
[41311.471984] 	(start_freq - end_freq @ bandwidth), (max_antenna_gain, max_eirp)
[41311.472015] 	(2402000 KHz - 2472000 KHz @ 40000 KHz), (600 mBi, 2000 mBm)
[41311.472015] 	(5170000 KHz - 5190000 KHz @ 40000 KHz), (600 mBi, 2300 mBm)
[41311.472045] 	(5190000 KHz - 5210000 KHz @ 40000 KHz), (600 mBi, 2300 mBm)
[41311.472045] 	(5210000 KHz - 5230000 KHz @ 40000 KHz), (600 mBi, 2300 mBm)
[41311.472076] 	(5230000 KHz - 5330000 KHz @ 40000 KHz), (600 mBi, 2300 mBm)
[41311.472106] 	(5735000 KHz - 5835000 KHz @ 40000 KHz), (600 mBi, 3000 mBm)
[41312.197113] wl1251: 151 tx blocks at 0x3b788, 35 rx blocks at 0x3a780
[41312.206054] wl1251: firmware booted (Rev
[41312.307983] ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): wlan0: link is not ready
[41313.674987] wl1251: down
[41315.534210] wl1251: 151 tx blocks at 0x3b788, 35 rx blocks at 0x3a780
[41315.549743] wl1251: firmware booted (Rev
[41315.653625] ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): wlan0: link is not ready
[41316.362670] wlan0: authenticate with AP 00:14:6c:f8:d0:8c
[41316.365478] wlan0: authenticated
[41316.365539] wlan0: associate with AP 00:14:6c:f8:d0:8c
[41316.369445] wlan0: RX AssocResp from 00:14:6c:f8:d0:8c (capab=0x421 status=0 aid=26)
[41316.369506] wlan0: associated
[41316.387481] ADDRCONF(NETDEV_CHANGE): wlan0: link becomes ready
[41317.289154] wlan0: roaming signal from driver, sending LOWSIGNAL
[41327.369995] wlan0: no IPv6 routers present
[41354.155456] wlan0: roaming signal from driver, sending HIGHSIGNAL
[41355.486419] wlan0: roaming signal from driver, sending LOWSIGNAL
[41504.381958] wlan0: roaming signal from driver, sending HIGHSIGNAL
[41514.314849] wlan0: roaming signal from driver, sending LOWSIGNAL
[41552.512023] wlan0: roaming signal from driver, sending HIGHSIGNAL
[41555.686523] wlan0: roaming signal from driver, sending LOWSIGNAL
[41562.649810] wlan0: roaming signal from driver, sending HIGHSIGNAL
[41565.107635] wlan0: roaming signal from driver, sending LOWSIGNAL
[41572.275482] wlan0: roaming signal from driver, sending HIGHSIGNAL
[41575.245452] wlan0: roaming signal from driver, sending LOWSIGNAL
[41587.534393] wlan0: roaming signal from driver, sending HIGHSIGNAL
[41595.111938] wlan0: roaming signal from driver, sending LOWSIGNAL
[41625.628784] wlan0: roaming signal from driver, sending HIGHSIGNAL
[41629.519775] wlan0: roaming signal from driver, sending LOWSIGNAL
[41660.138183] wlan0: roaming signal from driver, sending HIGHSIGNAL
[41664.030029] wlan0: roaming signal from driver, sending LOWSIGNAL
[41671.607635] wlan0: roaming signal from driver, sending HIGHSIGNAL
[41676.113159] wlan0: roaming signal from driver, sending LOWSIGNAL
[41685.944335] wlan0: roaming signal from driver, sending HIGHSIGNAL
[41691.065124] wlan0: roaming signal from driver, sending LOWSIGNAL
[41698.847503] wlan0: roaming signal from driver, sending HIGHSIGNAL
[41703.045867] wlan0: roaming signal from driver, sending LOWSIGNAL
[41717.689788] wlan0: roaming signal from driver, sending HIGHSIGNAL
[41719.327880] wlan0: roaming signal from driver, sending LOWSIGNAL
[41721.068572] wlan0: roaming signal from driver, sending HIGHSIGNAL
[41727.111083] wlan0: roaming signal from driver, sending LOWSIGNAL
[41731.616668] wlan0: roaming signal from driver, sending HIGHSIGNAL
[41759.777984] wlan0: roaming signal from driver, sending LOWSIGNAL
[41867.507812] wlan0: roaming signal from driver, sending HIGHSIGNAL
[41869.554504] wlan0: roaming signal from driver, sending LOWSIGNAL
[41907.342041] wlan0: roaming signal from driver, sending HIGHSIGNAL
[41911.847625] wlan0: roaming signal from driver, sending LOWSIGNAL
[42001.246490] wlan0: roaming signal from driver, sending HIGHSIGNAL
[42005.137695] wlan0: roaming signal from driver, sending LOWSIGNAL
[42023.160552] wlan0: roaming signal from driver, sending HIGHSIGNAL
[42026.130371] wlan0: roaming signal from driver, sending LOWSIGNAL
[42083.362152] proximity (GPIO 89) is now closed
[42089.956146] proximity (GPIO 89) is now open
[42731.798400] wlan0: roaming signal from driver, sending HIGHSIGNAL
[42736.303527] wlan0: roaming signal from driver, sending LOWSIGNAL
[42742.345367] wlan0: roaming signal from driver, sending HIGHSIGNAL
[42746.851135] wlan0: roaming signal from driver, sending LOWSIGNAL
[42750.537689] wlan0: roaming signal from driver, sending HIGHSIGNAL
[42753.405517] wlan0: roaming signal from driver, sending LOWSIGNAL
[42978.705017] wlan0: driver reports beacon loss from AP cf1bb52c - sending probe request
[42980.035461] wlan0: driver reports beacon loss from AP cf1bb52c - sending probe request
[43525.020477] wlan0: roaming signal from driver, sending HIGHSIGNAL
[43527.686157] wlan0: roaming signal from driver, sending LOWSIGNAL
[44708.901214] proximity (GPIO 89) is now closed
[44758.721679] proximity (GPIO 89) is now open
[44759.862457] proximity (GPIO 89) is now closed
[44762.269134] wlan0: roaming signal from driver, sending HIGHSIGNAL
[44766.161071] wlan0: roaming signal from driver, sending LOWSIGNAL
[44776.711090] wlan0: roaming signal from driver, sending HIGHSIGNAL
[44779.986785] wlan0: roaming signal from driver, sending LOWSIGNAL
[44781.106292] proximity (GPIO 89) is now open
[44781.510772] proximity (GPIO 89) is now closed
[44817.971649] proximity (GPIO 89) is now open
[51734.535583] wl1251: ERROR Power save entry failed, giving up
[51758.652008] wl1251: ERROR Power save entry failed, giving up
[52121.581573] wl1251: ERROR Power save entry failed, giving up
[52121.808013] wl1251: ERROR Power save entry failed, giving up
[52160.549713] dspbridge: timed out waiting for mailbox
[52906.482604] wlan0: roaming signal from driver, sending HIGHSIGNAL
[52910.681030] wlan0: roaming signal from driver, sending LOWSIGNAL
[52933.722015] wlan0: roaming signal from driver, sending HIGHSIGNAL
[52938.230468] wlan0: roaming signal from driver, sending LOWSIGNAL
[53117.122253] Spurious irq 95: 0xffffffdf, please flush posted write for irq 86
[53117.122283] Spurious irq 95: 0xffffffdf, please flush posted write for irq 86
[53117.157745] PROCWRAP_Detach: deprecated dspbridge ioctl
[53164.052124] PROCWRAP_Detach: deprecated dspbridge ioctl
[53226.637237] cam_focus (GPIO 68) is now active
[53226.784179] cam_focus (GPIO 68) is now inactive
[53423.082763] PROCWRAP_Detach: deprecated dspbridge ioctl
[53596.520782] Spurious DMA IRQ
[84368.362915] wlan0: driver reports beacon loss from AP cf1bb52c - sending probe request
[87509.377777] proximity (GPIO 89) is now closed
[87509.534027] proximity (GPIO 89) is now open
[87527.001220] wlan0: roaming signal from driver, sending HIGHSIGNAL
[87530.274322] wlan0: roaming signal from driver, sending LOWSIGNAL
[87534.472229] wlan0: roaming signal from driver, sending HIGHSIGNAL
[87537.442626] wlan0: roaming signal from driver, sending LOWSIGNAL
[87546.409149] slide (GPIO 71) is now open
[87908.247924] wlan0: roaming signal from driver, sending HIGHSIGNAL
[87911.320068] wlan0: roaming signal from driver, sending LOWSIGNAL
~ $
I've got the latest cssu, but I took the videos before the latest updates.
Version 20.2010.36-2
I don't overclock or undervolt.
Attached Files
File Type: txt Apps.txt (6.1 KB, 134 views)
File Type: txt Dmesg.txt (7.3 KB, 115 views)
"talk low, talk slow, and don't talk too much" John Wayne

Last edited by deegore; 2011-09-18 at 17:44.

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